
2022-01-08 成语故事


  英文成语故事附翻译 篇1

  During the Spring and Autumn Period (770-476 BC), prince Zhou Xu of the State of Wei killed his brother and became the new emperor. Zhou Xu was a tyrant. He oppressed his people and indulged in wars of agGREssion. By launching wars, he tried to divert the peoples attention and reduce their discontent with him in order to consolidate his dictatorship.

  The Duke of the State of Lu leant about Zhou Xus usurpation of state power and his ambitious plan, he asked a senior official, "What do you think about Zhou Xus move? "The official answered, "He indulges in wars , bringing his people much disaster. He wont get their support. And hes capricious, so few of his close friends follow him. He can never achieve his success. In addition, war is like fire. If one launches wars endlessly without restraint, hell eventually burn himself. "

  Sure enough, the people of Wei with the help of the State of Chen overthrew Zhou Xu and killed him in less than a year.

  Later, people use it to mean that those who do evil will finally ruin themselves.


  鲁国的君王知道州吁篡夺了王位,还想吞并其他国家,就问他手下的一名官员:"你认为州吁的目的能达到吗?"那位官员说道:"州吁到处打仗,给人民来了灾难。人民不会支持他。他这个人又反复无常,身边没有什么亲信。他不可能实现自己的野心。而且,战争就象火。无休止地打仗,最后,火会烧到自己身上。 "



  英文成语故事附翻译 篇2

  This idiom comes from Records of Three Kingdoms Kingdom of Wei Biography of Lu Yu. When Lu Yu, the minister of the State of Wei was young, his parents and brothers all died one after another, and he became an orphan. In such a difficult situation, he still studied very hard. Finally he became a talented person and served as a high officialof hisstate.Hewassouprightin performing his official duties that he was promoted to the minister of the Board of Civil Office, in charge of the officials appointments and removals.

  Owing to the vacancy of Lu Yus original post, it had to fill up a new official for it. Although there were many officials to recommend some well-known people for the post, all were refused by Emperor Wen. He only let Lu Yu do it and also pointed out:"It depends on you whether we can find the right person for the important post. But we cant choose someone only with fame in stead of his real ability. You see, the fame is just like drawing cakes on the ground to allay hungry."

  Then Lu expressed his idea:" You are right, YourMajesty, selections should depend on their real learning and abilities. But the real fame is still very important, such as self-possession and high moral character. So we should select people with both of them."

  Now we use it to describe comforting oneself with unrealistic thoughts, without solving practical problemsand feeding on illusions.




  英文成语故事附翻译 篇3

  Imitating Another without Success and Losing What Used to Be OnesOwn Ability

  Tradition has it that more than 2,oooyears ago,there lived a young man in the Shouling area of the State of Yan.As his name is not known ,we just call him Shouling young man for conveniences sake.

  self confident He was at a loss as to how to behave all the time.

  His family members advised him to overcome this shortcoming,but he thought they were fond of poking their noses into his business and were unwilling to provide him with tuition fee.His relatives and neighbours sneered at him,saying that he would never be able to learn anything.Asthe days went by,he even began to doubt whether he should walk the way he did,for he felt more and more that his walking gestures were too clumsy and awkward.

  One day,he met some people on the road who werechattingand laughing.One of themsaid that people in Handan walked most gracefully.And thatwas just what he was most concerned about,so he hurreed towards themand wanted to make further inquiries.To his surprise,when these people saw him,they stalked off laughing.

  He could not picture to himself in what way their walking gestures were graceful,no matter how hard he racked his parents one day.He went to Handanwhich was far away to learn how to walk.

  As soon as he arrived in Handan,he was dazzled to find that everything was novel.He learned from the children there how to walk,because he thought that the childrens walking gestures were lively and pleasing to the eye.He learnd from the old people there how to walk,because he thought the old peoples walking gestures were steady .He learnd from the women there how to walk,because he thought the women swaying walking gestures were beautiful.That being the case with him ,in less than half a month he even forgot how to walk.As he had already used up his traveling expenses,he had to crawl back home.

  This story come from the article"Autumn Water"in The Works of Xhuang Zi(Zhuang Zi was a famous ancient Chinese philosopher of about 300B.c.).Later the set phrase"initating another without success and losing what used to be ones own ability"is used to refer to acts of copying others mechanisally in disregard of specififc conditions.







  英文成语故事附翻译 篇4

  Once upon a time, there was a farmer.One day, while he was working in the fields, he saw a hare run into a tree stump accidentally and die of a broken neck.

  The farmer took the hare home and cooked a delicious meal for himself.

  That night he thought: "I neednt work so hard. All I have to do is wait every day by the stump to pick up the hare that runs into it.

  So from then on he gave up farming, and stood by the tree stump waiting for the hare to come and run into it.

  Butfromthen on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump.






  英文成语故事附翻译 篇5

  In the Warring States Period, there was a man in the State of Wei called Geng Lei. One day he said to the king: I can shoot down birds by simply plucking my bowstring. When the king expressed doubt, Geng Lei pointed his bow at a wild goose flying in the sky, twanged the bowstring, and the goose fell to the ground. Geng Lei said, This goose has been hurt in the past. Hearing the twang of the bowstring, it assumed that it was doomed. So it simply gave up trying to live.

  This idiom means that if one has been frightened in the past ones will may become paralysed in a similar situation.



  英文成语故事附翻译 篇6

  In the Western Jin Dynasty there were two young men.One of them was Zu Ti and the other was Liu Kun.Both of them were men of ideals and integrity who were chivalrous and of a sanguine disposition.They not only wrote excellent articles but also were fond of practising martial arts to keep fit, in order to render meritorious service to the country.Both of them were chief clerks responsible for document administration in Luoyang.Although in appearance the Jin Dynasty had jurisdiction of the Central Plains comprising the middle and lower reaches of the Haunch and threatened by foreign invasion.Zu Ti and Liu Kun often talked about the country’s situation till late into the night,and each time they talking very excitedly again.Liu Kun fell asleep without knowing it,but Zu Ti was too excited to fall asleep.“ Cock-a-doodle-doo,”came the crow of rooster in the wasteland.Zu Ti jumped up and kicked Liu Kun awake:“Listen.How inspiring the rooster‘s crow is.Let’s get up and practised on a slope.From then on,they kept practising sword playing vigorously and energetically in the wasteland every day when they heard the first crow in the morning.Deeply moved by Zu Ti‘s patriotic passion,Liu Kun was determined to devote himself to his homeland.Once he wrote to his family:”At the time when the country is in dire peril,I am resolved to dedicate myselt to the service of my country.I often fear that I might lag behind Zu Ti in rendering service to the country,and,in fact,I am behind him.......“ The words” sleep with my head pillowed on a spear,waiting for the day to break“vividly described Liu Kun’s determination to dedicate himself to the service of the country and to fight the enemy at any time.Later,this set phrase is used to mean maintaining sharp vigilance and being ready to fight at any time.”




  英文成语故事附翻译 篇7

  In AD 383, the king of Former Qin (秦朝), Fu Jian (fú jiān 苻坚), led a huge army to attack Eastern Jin. 公元383年,秦王苻坚率领步兵、骑兵90万,攻打江南的晋朝。

  After losing the first round of fighting, Fu Jian looked down from a city wall, and was terrified when he saw the formidable battle array of the Eastern Jin army.在一轮战败后,苻坚从城墙俯视周遭,当他看到势不可破的东晋部队,他感到很害怕。

  And then looking at the mountains around, he mistook the grass and trees for enemy soldiers. 此时,苻坚在寿春城上望见晋军队伍严整,士气高昂,再北望八公山,只见山上一草一木都像晋军的士兵一样,于是更加恐慌。

  As a result, when the nervous Fu Jian led his army into battle, it suffered a crushing defeat.后来苻坚全军覆没,带着少数残余的队伍逃回去了。

  This idiom describes how one can defeat oneself by imaging difficulties.这个成语后来形容人在极度惊恐时,疑神疑鬼的心理状态。

  英文成语故事附翻译 篇8

  In the reign of Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty (221-207 B.C.), the prime minister Zhao Gao, obsessed with ambitions, was planning to usurp the throne day and night. But he did not know how many of the ministers in the court were allowed to be ordered about by him and how many of them were his opponents. So he thought out a way to test how high his prestige among the ministers was and also to find out who dared to oppose him.

  One day when court was held, Zhao Gao let someone bring a stag to the court and, with a broad smile on his face, he said to Emperor the Second of the Qin Dynasty:"Your Majesty, here is a fine horse Im presenting to you." Looking at the animal, Emperor the Second thought that it was obviously a stag and that it couldnt be a horse. So he said smilingly to Zhao Gao:"Mister Prime Minister, you are wrong. This is a stay. Why do you say it is a horse?" Remaining calm, Zhao Gao said:"Will your Majesty please see more clearly? This really is a horse that covers a thousand li a day." Filled with suspicion, Emperor the Second looked at the stag again and said:"How can the antlers be grown on the head of a horse?" Turning around and pointing his finger at the ministers, Zhao Gao said in a loud voice:"if our Majesty do not believe me, you can ask the ministers."

  The nonsense of Zhao Gao made the ministers totally at a lose, and they whispered to themselves: What tricks was Zhao Gao playing? Was it not obvious whether it was a stag or a horse? But when they saw the sinister smile on Zhao Gaos face and his two rolling eyes which were gazing at each of them, they suddenly understood his evil intentions.

  Some of the ministers who were timid and yet had a sense of right eousness did not dare to say anything, because to tell lies would make their conscience uneasy and to tell the truth would mean that they would be persecuted by Zhao Gao later. Some ministers with a sense of justice persisted that it was a stag and not a horse. There were still some crafty and fawning ministers who followed Zhao Gao closely in ordinary times. They immediately voiced their support to Zhao Gao, saying to the emperor:"This really in a horse that covers a thousand li a day."

  After the event, Zhao Gao punished by various means those ministers with a sense of justice who were not obedient to him, even with whole families of some of those ministers executed.

  This story appears in "The Life of the First Emperor of the Qin Dynasty" in The Historical Records written by Sima Qian. From this story people have derived the set phrase "calling a stag a horse" to mean deliberately misrepresenting some thing and misleading the public.







  英文成语故事附翻译 篇9

  Once a man wanted to go to the south, but his carriage was heading north. A passer-by asked him:"If you are going to south, why is your chariot heading north?" The ma answered, "My horse is good at running, My driver is highly skilled at driving a carriage, ad I have enough money."The man didint consider that the direction might be wrong; the better his conditions were, ther further he was away from his destination.

  The idiom derived froim this story indicates that ones action was the opposite effect to ones intention.





  英文成语故事附翻译 篇10

  At the end of the Qin Dynasty(221-206 B.C.) the State of Chu and the State of Han fought for control for the country. Xiang Yu, the king of Chu, was besieged(包围) at a place called Gaixia by the Han army led by Liu Bang. Xiang Yu was in a desperate situation, with little food and only a few soliders. At night, the surrounding Han troops started to sing Chu folk songs. Xiang Yu was very surprised at this, and said:"Has Liu Bang occupied the whole of Chu? How can he have drafted so many Chu people into his army?" Then he fled together with the remainder of his forces.

  This idiom is used metaphorically to mean to be in a helpless and critical situation, surrounded by the enemy on all sides.



  英文成语故事附翻译 篇11

  A farmer in the state of Song once got a piece of stone with jade init.宋国人有个农夫得到一块含宝玉的石头后,将它献给了相国子罕。

  He presented this stone to Prime Minister Zi Han. But Zi Han refused toaccept it. The farmer explained, “It looks like just a stone, butthere is jade inside. It actually is a piece of treasure and suitable forhonorable men like you, not for us common people.”子罕拒绝接受这块石头,农夫解释说:“表面上它是块石头,但里面含有宝玉,是个宝物,适合您这样的贵人使用,我们普通百姓用它就不合适了。”

  “I know there is jade inside,” Zi Han said,” but I disagree with you.I think to have the virtue of declining things that do not belongto oneself is the real treasure. ”子罕说:“我知道里面是宝玉。但我的观点和你不同,我认为具有不接受不应得的东西的品德才是真正的宝玉。”

  英文成语故事附翻译 篇12

  In the Jin Dynasty (265-420) there was a famous writer whose name was Zuo Si who, however, was very naughty and did not like to study when he was a small kid.His father often got angry, and yet young Zuo Si was as naughty as ever and would not study hard.

  One day, Zuo Sis father was chatting with his friends. his friends envied him his clever and loverly son. Hearing this, Zuo sis father sighed, "Please do not mention him. My son Zuo si does not study as well as I did when I was young, although I did not study well enough myself. It appears that he is actually a good-for-nothing." So saying, he looked disappointed. All this was witnessed by young Zuo Si. He felt very sad, feeling intensely that he would not be able to have a bright future if he did not study hard. So he was determined to study assiduously from then on.

  Day after day and year after year, Zuo Si gradually grew up. Because of his unremitting afforts in hard study, he became an erudite scholar and wrote very excellent essays. The "Ode to the Capital of the State of Qi", which took him one year to write, showed his brilliant literary talent and laid the foundation for his becoming an outstanding writer. then he planned to write an "Ode to the Capitals of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu Han and Wu" with the local conditions and customs as well as the produce of the three capitals as its content. In order to achieve the desired effect in content, structure and language, he applied himself to research work with great concentration, and was so absorbed in creative writing as to forget food and sleep. It took him ten whole years to finish the writing of "Ode to the Capitals of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu Han and Wu", a literary masterpiece.

  The "Ode to the Capitals of the Three Kingdoms of Wei, Shu Han and Wu" was well received by the broad masses of readers after it made its appearance to the public, and people considered it as superbly written as the "Ode to the Western Capital (Changan) and to the Eastern Capital (Luoyang)" written by Ban Gu (32-92) and the "Ode to the Western Capital and to the Eastern Capital" written by Zhang Heng of the Han Dynasty (206 B.C. to A.D.220). As the art of printing had not been invented at that time, people who were fond of this "Ode" had to make handwritten copies of it themselves. As there were so many people who vied with each other in making handwritten copies, the supply of writing paper fell short of the demand in Luoyang went up greatly.

  This story comes from "The life of Zuo Si" in the book "Literary Field" of The History of the Jin Dynasty. Based on this story, people have coined the set phrase "the price of writing paper went up greatly", meaning the overwhelming popularity of a new work causes shortage of printing paper, to show how popular an outstanding piece of literary work is.





  英文成语故事附翻译 篇13

  A peasant in the state of Song led an extremely hard life for he was destitute, depending on worn sackcloth to defense the chill of winter.宋国的一个农民,因家境贫寒,生活极为清苦,全靠一件烂麻衣抵御冬天的严寒。

  After the spring arrived, the peasant ploughed in the field. When he got tired and rested on the ridge of the field he felt the sunshine to be warmer and more comfortable than the worn sackcloth.春天来后,农夫在田里耕地,累了坐在田头休息时,觉得太阳暖融融的,舒服而惬意,远比烂麻衣温暖。

  He knew neither spacious nor comfortable houses to live in, nor silk, cotton and fur clothes to keep warm. He was very excited at his discovery, and he said to his wife, “Sun bath is so pleasant, but people do not know it. I will present this secret to the king, and he is sure to bestow many presents to me to reward my loyalty.”这农民不知道人间宽敞舒适的房子都可居住,也不清楚绵绸和皮衣可以保暖。农民为自己的这一新发现激动不已,兴奋地对妻子说:“晒太阳是如此令人愉快,而人们却还不知道。我要把这一秘密献给国王,国王为了表彰我的忠诚,一定会给我很多赏赐物品。“






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安居乐业的成语故事 东施效颦的成语故事