
2017-05-19 名人名言

种种痛苦的经验证明,在认识真理的过程中,渊博的学识同公正和正义不是一回事。– 塞·约翰逊All the painful experience has shown that the process of understanding the truth, profound knowledge not the same thing with the impartiality and justice。

自暴自弃,这是一条永远腐蚀和啃噬着心灵的毒蛇,它吸走心灵的新鲜血液,并在其中注入厌世和绝望的毒汁。Give up on themselves, this is a corrosion and Kenshi never mind the snakes, it sucked the soul of fresh blood, and in which the venom into the world-weary and desperate。

追上未来,抓住它的本质,把未来转变为现在。Catch up with the future, seize its essence, the future into now。

自己打败自己是最可悲的失败,自己战胜自己是最可贵的胜利。(关于智慧的名人名言)His beat is the most tragic failure of their own, their victory over their most valuable victory。

自卑虽是与骄傲反对,但实际却与骄傲最为接近。Although low self-esteem and pride against, but actually the closest with pride。

抓住它!抓住那易逝的岁月,利用好每一寸疾飞的光阴。人是短短的夏天——-人是一朵花。–车尔尼雪夫斯基Take it! Perishable years to seize it, make good use of every inch of Jifei of the time。 Are short summer ——- are a flower。

中国人有一句老话:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。这句话对于人们的实践是真理,对于认识论也是真理。离开实践的认识是不可能的。– 别林斯基There is a Chinese old saying: Nothing ventured, nothing gained。 The practice of this statement is true for people, for the theory of knowledge is truth。 Knowledge from practice, is impossible。

智者受理智的指导,常人受经验的指导,而野兽受直觉的指导。Accepted wisdom of the wise guidance of ordinary people under the guidance of experience, while the Beast by intuitive guidance。

智者是为获得最大成就的人保留的称号。Wise is the greatest achievement for the people to retain the title。

智者宁可防病于未然,不可治病于已发;宁可勉励克服痛苦,免得为了痛苦而追求慰藉。Wise man would rather prevent diseases in the first place, no treatment has been made on; rather encouraged to overcome suffering, so that the pursuit of comfort to suffering。

智者创造的机会比他得到的机会要多。Wise man will make more opportunities than he got the opportunity to be more。

智仁勇三者是中国重要的精神遗产,过去它被认为‘天下之达德’,今天依然不失为个人完满发展之重要指标。Zhi Renyong three is an important legacy, in the past it was considered ‘the world of Dade’, today it is indeed still an important indicator of successful development。

智力取消了命运,只要能思考,他就是自主的。Intelligence canceled fate, as long as thought, he is independent。

智慧最后的结论是:生活也好,自由也好,都要天天去赢取,这才有资格去享有它。Wisdom conclusion is: life Yehao, free, all want to win every day, That qualified to enjoy it。

智慧只在于一件事,就是认识那善于驾驭一切的.思想。– 歌德Wisdom is one thing only, that is, understanding that good at controlling all thought。 http://mrmy。dxju。com/

智慧越是遮掩,越是明亮,正象你的美貌因为蒙上黑纱而十倍动人。The more obscure the wisdom, the more bright and beautiful just as you cast a black veil and the times for moving。

智慧愿我们—-勇敢、无忧、矜高、刚强,她是一个女人,永远只爱着战士。Wisdom would like us —- courageous, carefree, pretentious high, strong, she is a woman, for ever love soldiers。

智慧与教育之间的区别是,智慧会让你过上舒适的生活。The difference between wisdom and education, the wisdom will let you live a comfortable life。

智慧有三果:一是思考周到,二是语言得当,三是行为公正。There are three fruit wisdom: First, thoughtfully, being the language properly, just the three of behavior。

智慧是命运的一部分,一个人所遭遇的外界环境是会影响他的头脑的。Wisdom is part of the destiny of a person is encountered in the external environment will affect his mind。












珍惜友谊的人生格言-朋友的名言警句 自信心的中外名人名言-自信是向成功迈出的第一步