I am a happy child

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

出处 ao ue . om

   am a happy ch ld  

   am a happy ch ld because have a arm and happy fam ly. Both of my parents are teachers. They are very k nd and fr endly. They often take me to the park near my home to play after study. ’d l ke to talk about anyth ng th my parents. y parents love me very much.  

   am a happy ch ld because my school l fe s also nterest ng. have many good fr ends. e study and play together. nd my teachers are l ke our b g fr ends. l ke my school and my class.  

   n my free t me, l ke read ng, l sten ng to mus c and do ng some sports.  

  So, th nk my l fe s very nterest ng and colorful. am a happy ch ld.  


出处 ao ue . om

【I am a happy child】相关文章:

1.I am happy


3.Who am I?

4.Who am I?

5.Who am I?

6.I am ill

7.I am a good girl

8.I want to happy

9.I Am Crazy About Cartoons

My Mother I love my father very much!