2017-10-28 小学英语作文

文章来源 ue om

Good morn ng everyone!  

’d l ke to ntroduce myself to you all. y name s Yong nyue. ’m  9 years old. No ’m study ng n cu hualu pr mary school.   

e  learn  h nese, aths, ngl sh, Sc ence and other subjects  n the school. nd y favour te one s ngl sh. e usually play a lot of nterest ng games together n the ngl sh class, s ng ng and danc ng. t’s not l ke learn ng but play ng.   

’m qu et and a l ttle shy,  but have many hobb es. l ke s ng ng,  read ng,  dra ng and play ng the p ano. fter do my home ork, can play some songs.Though ’m t red of play ng somet mes,  feel proud/ hen can play a ne song.   

love ngl sh very much, but don’t usually speak act vely  n the class. ’m so lucky  to attend th s contest. y parents g ve me a strong support. So feel conf dent  to open my mouth and speak ngl sh  n the publ c. pract ce a lot these days. There’s a ll,  there’s a ay. hope  can freely commun cate th fr ends all over the orld. Just Do t!  

Thank you!  


文章来源 ue om











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