小学作文 om any people l ke mus c. t has many sorts: soft mus c s graceful, rock mus c fast, class cal mus c great, l ght mus c rela ng, and ch ldren, mus c nterest ng. You can p ck and choose hatever you l ke. No popular songs are n fash on. f you l ke mus c, you usually l ke s ng ng, too. am no e cept on. y brother and l ke pop songs, and my parents l ke to l sten to soft mus c. e are a mus cal fam ly. Do you l ke mus c? s your fam ly full of mus c, too? us c s really great! l ke t very much. 小学作文 om
2.Movie Music
3.Background Music
4.Listening to Music
8.The Language of Music考研英语作文