Happy Family

2017-10-28 小学英语作文


Happy Fam ly
     veryone has a fam ly. have a fam ly, too. name t “Happy fam ly”, because everyone n my fam ly s happy.
     ome and meet my fam ly, please! y mother s k nd. love her, and she loves me, too. y mother s pretty. She l kes beaut ful clothes. call her“Dressy um”. y father s a boss. He s tall and th n. He has a small head. g ve h m a n ckname“Small Head Father”. am fat and lovely. have a b g head. g ve myself a n ckname“B g Head G rl”. study hard. am a good student.
     e are happy every day! 


【Happy Family】相关文章:

1.Happy Family

2.Happy Family

3.幸福之家-A Happy Family

4.A Happy Family(幸福的家庭)

5.小升初英语作文范文happy family

6.关于小升初英语优秀作文:Happy Family

7.关于描写家庭的中考英语作文-A Happy Family

8.四年级英语作文《happy family》

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