I have a dream

2017-11-02 高中英语作文

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Selection of excellent compositions from Science Class

I have a dream

1) By Xia Mingyu ,Class 29

When I as a small child,

I’d love to gaze at the blue sky,

Waiting for my favorite cloud,

With special thought flying high.

Dream of gaining plenty of happiness and never cry.,

As I’m brought up,

Gradually I got into the mysterious night,

Feeling the cold air touching my hair,

And the beautiful darkness in front of my eyes.

Being an explorer of the dark came quickly to my mind.

Then I’m gro ing to maturity,

Facing and challenging much more difficulty,

But I still onder the night and the moon shining.

My dream is changing and changing,

All about the moon--a large of kno ledge.

And al ays,

I think most of the stars at night,

They are shining in the night sky enchantingly,

And sho ing my onderful dream clearly,

--Use its o n light to arm up the orld!

2)By Zhang Yuyu, Class 29

If someone asks my ideal

I ill reply

I ant to go to Tsing-Hua University

Want to go to famous enterprises to put my o n talent to good use

Want to be ell-paid through orking

They are only some ideals

They are only normal things that everyone ants to get

But my dream---

Dream---such a holy and stately ord

Give every errant heart a arm home

I dream of having a sea hen I am getting old

With no noise and no hurly-burly

Only a vast sea

The sea hich has melted all common customs and fame and gain

I ant to alk along the long coastline

Look at the colorful shellfish resting on the sea beach

Just like riotous happiness in the past

I look silently, and then remember silently

But never think of picking them up

As I am afraid of breaking the tranquility

Sit do n hen I feel tired

Pile up my small castle gently ith the soft sand

See the aves run to flood them

Take their trace a ay hile retreating

Then I ill smile unfeigned


It’s my real castle

When I can’t alk any longer

I ill stand in face of sea

Experience the illusion that spring is in the air

And the flo ers are in blossom

Ask for the sea breeze

To help me send my blessing to everyone

Let flood tide and lo tide take my into my castle.

3). By Linq Tan, Class 30

I had a dream during my childhood. I as eager to become a computer engineer ho spent most of his o n lifetime ith different kinds of programs and circuits. My mother made me very interested in computers hen I as young, so I often imagined that I could create inventions to fill people’s life ith happiness.

If to achieve a dream like that is impossible, I ould become interested in math instead of computers. It’s easy to lost oneself in the rapidly gro ing computer industry, a so-called bubble economy. Compared ith that, I ant to give myself to the orld of math ithout utilitarianism. A scientist ill not be judged by the money he has earned in total.

If to achieve a dream like that is impossible, I ould hold up my fountain pen and share my attitude to ards the orld in my articles as a riter. To feel the orld and people around me ill improve my mind. I ill become impressible and ise hen riting. To use beautiful ords to knit sentences is better than studying ith cold numbers.

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【I have a dream】相关文章:

1.I have a dream(I)

2.I have a dream(I)

3.I have a dream

4.I have a dream

5.I Have a Dream(II)

6.I Have a Dream(II)

7.I Have A Dream(我有一个梦想)

8.I Have a Dream-我有一个梦想

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