A Letter of Appreciation感激信

2022-01-21 英语四级作文

  感谢信是重要的'礼仪文书,感谢信是集体单位或个人对关心、帮助、支持本单位或个人表示衷心感谢的函件。下面是小编整理的A Letter of Appreciation感激信,欢迎阅览。

Dear Miss Webster,

  Years ago when I was in your class in English, I became discouraged, you will never know just how discouraged I was when you came to my rescue, you saw hope for me when I knew only despair. You gave me renewed faith in myself, and I am writing now, after all these years, to thank you. But in my heart I have thanked you a million times, and now I wish you to know that to you I owe the success which I am enjoying.

  In this mail I am sending you a copy of my latest book,which is having a very good sale, and I wish you to remember as you read it that without your encouragement it would never have been written.

  Gratefully yours,

  Charles G. Martin

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