One Purpose of School-上学的目的之一

2017-10-28 英语四级作文

  Have you ever asked youself why students go to school?You will probably say that they go to school to learn their own language and other languages, mathematics, history, science and all the other subjects. That is quite true. But why do they learn these?

  Youngsters go to school to prepare themselves for the time when they will grow up and will have to work. Nearly everything they study at school has some practical use in their life. But is that the only reason why they go to school?

  Of course not. There is more in education than just learning facts. Students go to school partly to learn how to learn so that after they graduate, they can continue to learn. One of the purposes of school is to teach students the way to learn.

  In addition, they go to school not only to be educated,but also to learn how to get along with others. A school is a small society. One's classmates are all different in character,and they all have different backgrounds. This experience helps the students to get along better with different kinds of people in later life.

【One Purpose of School-上学的目的之一】相关文章:

1.One Purpose of School-上学的目的之一

2.The Purpose of school(上学的目的)

3.On the Way to School-上学路上

4.On My Way to School-上学途中

5.On My Way to School-关于上学路上的初中英语作文

6.My one day

7.The Purpose of Studying English英语作文(精选5篇)

8.The Factors One Needs to Gain

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