
2021-03-10 保护环境


英语保护环境的作文 篇1

  Now, our side of the car constant more up, the environment also increasingly worse! That the air around us there are many harmful substances. Therefore, we want to Sue around things start to do. For example, we can go to school by bike or walk, it can exercise. If you have time can use less elevator, many climb stairs. We can not only physical exercise, but also to protect our environment.



英语保护环境的作文 篇2

  The trickle of the stream on the bottom, with springs "ding-dong" qing son crisp sound; The undulating mountain stands erect, imposing overcome all things; It is green and luxuriant. Trees, high, stands on the mountain, show the spirits of a daring not afraid; That open in the wild flowers of various mountain, is varied, the pure and fresh flowers make the person find the scenery pleasing to both the sweet. But that was all have become memories, is facing a murky water, batteries, plastic bags have polluted the land, industrial waste gas, automobile exhaust pollution the air, trees and flowers are hard to meet again, only can see is just a weak looking trees flowers and plants, all everything has disappeared, the earth on a red alert. The national President got together for a meeting for three days and three nights... "All the people moved to the moon" after the meeting, to discuss, they issued such a command. According to the scientists observed earth damage is too severe, human will not far from the end of the world, if you don't leave the earth, mankind had to count the days

  such as dead. Now the moon, built with modern humans in the human ancestors, has taken on a new look.

英语保护环境的作文 篇3






英语保护环境的作文 篇4

  Mountain green water show, the humanities ceremony, a profound cultural accumulation of the national famous historical and cultural city - changshu, is my hometown. She is like a shining pearl inlaid in jiangnan landscape.

  With the reform and opening, people's living standard is improving, but the home environment is deteriorating. Murky water emitting foul odours, dead fish, birds and seldom visit. Terrible white pollution like home covered with a layer of "white carpet". People at random destruction of natural resources, make the home environment deteriorated sharply, poses a serious threat to our existence.

英语保护环境的作文 篇5

  Everyone should protect the environment, this is the law of nature, if not protect the environment, the world will be contaminated.

  To protect the environment from every bit of small start, and I have not done well. Have a New Year, we went to shun feng mountain park, riding a bicycle, we were hungry, we bought a small bag of snacks to eat, while I, eat snacks, I happy too much because it is over, so casually took me to once eat 7 packet snacks packaging thrown on the ground, and then I went in a convenience store in watching TV, while today's TV is very good-looking, half an hour later, I put the mother with all I said before, all my thoughts are indulged in the drama. After 30 minutes, I didn't think of it, but, at that time, his mother angry of say: "you this smelly wenches, didn't I tell you before to protect the environment, you forget?" I said: "I'm not forget, I just from watching TV." Mother said: "some important watching TV, or picking up litter some important?" I said: "rubbish." Mother said: "you hurry up to pick up."

  And then, I picked up a small pile of junk, throw in the trash, I apologized to his mother not only, I also to shun feng mountain park, sweep the floor every aunt to recognize the fault. Because, if everyone throw a piece of garbage on the ground, and then will add burden to clean the aunt. If you see a piece of garbage on the ground, then you are curved waist, and activities, do a man to protect the environment, is to clean the aunt to reduce burden...

  , although it has been over the past year, I learned about it, if the world all throw a piece of garbage on the ground, the whole earth will become a waste, so each of us should protect the environment, protect the earth, the world will be more beautiful!





英语保护环境的作文 篇6

  Xiao Ming turn on duty this afternoon. Now, he has already started to sweep the floor. Suddenly, he felt as if my head is what dozen once, bend over to look, oh, a little ball of paper is original! He seemed to know who, holding a broom, took to the classroom.

  Quarrel just came into the classroom, he heard a voice, a little ball of paper came head-on. Not surprisingly, this is xiao gang dao ghost. A sharp-tongued classmates saw it, immediately shouted: "go ah, monitor, monitor, quick walk!" The bystanders to immediately dispersed in a hubbub. Xiao Ming calmly walked into the classroom, xiao gang stopped trying to walk away, pull him, out of the classroom. Xiao gang thought xiao Ming is pulled him to the front of the teacher, let the teacher to teach him a lesson, and behold, xiao Ming had brought him to their class clean partition, pointing at the little ball of paper on the ground, said: "this is your throw of, the" only one earth "the main content of this text to recite it, you should not forget." "In this paper, from the Angle of human existence, this paper introduces the knowledge about the earth, illuminates the human survival" only one earth ", illustrates the significance of protecting the earth ecological environment." The xiao gang "only one earth" the main content of this text to recite. "Very well, you to recite too good, but why do you want to destroy the environment health?" "I... I don't know." Xiao gang's face turned red. "Protect the environment, be gentle with the earth, you later don't damage the environment." Say that finish, they pick up the little ball of paper on the floor, throw into the dustbin.

  Xiao Ming was really right, protect the environment, be gentle with the earth, let's get started, create a better tomorrow!




英语保护环境的作文 篇7

  Long ago, the air of our earth was clean. The river was crystal clear, and the lively fish swam freely in the river. The birds were hopping about in the trees. The shepherd boy is leading the cow up the hill. The trees are luxuriant, the flowers are blooming, the birds contend. The fruit on the fruit tree is next to one, waiting for the rest to pick it! People often go up to fetch water and drink sweet spring water, and people immediately forget the day's tiredness.

  Now, while we live happily ever after, the air is polluted by the poisonous gas that comes out of the factory. The crystal-clear river has become a "garbage river", and the smell of vomiting is coming. Cars on the highway flow; The trees on the mountain have become very interesting books. The sky is constantly changing, and the sudden weather has caused great inconvenience...

  By contrast, do you see the change in the environment? Now, I'm going to wake people up: "stop polluting the environment and save the planet!"

英语保护环境的作文 篇8

  Humans have only one earth. He is the cradle of life, is the homeland of all mankind. However, the environmental pollution and ecological destruction have on human social and economic development and people's normal life constitutes the real threat. Take good care of the environment, advocate civilization, is the human moral and responsibility.

  We want to clean the earth, eager to healthy earth, eager to the homes of environmental protection, eager to green, health, community health... Let us use love to pay attention to changes in the environment, with passion to spread the idea of environmental protection, with actions to shoulder the important task of environmental protection. Starts from me, start from now, intravenous drip minor matter, starts from the side the environmental commitment into action.

  Remember, protect the earth, is to protect ourselves.




英语保护环境的作文 篇9

  My classmates and I had an outing this spring. We had a good time. But meanwhile I noticed that water pollution in our city was becoming more and more serious.

  On our way, we could see women washing clothes in the river. Litter was floating on the river. Waste water produced by a chemical factory was being discharged into the river. We did not see any fish in the river. The fiver was not so clear as before. Water quality was very bad. I am worried about it because water is important to all living things. Man can not live without water. I hope people pay more attention to this problem, especially the government. Try to control the pollution of water as early as possible.

  At last I would like to say, "To protect water is to protect life."










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