
2021-04-16 初二年级英语作文


初二英语作文 篇1


  “叮——叮”上课铃响了,教室里立刻鸦雀无声。匡老师满面春风地走了进来对我们说:“Hi!Good morning boys and girls。”





  “cold drink”匡老师说一句英语。

  “cold drink”我们也跟她说了一句英语。





初二英语作文 篇2

  Though the science is highly advocated, people try to explain everything in science, there are still some people believe that something happen for some certain reasons, and the ghosts manipulate the supernature. In the older generation, they believe in ghosts so much, my grandma is one of them. She burns joss sticks day and night, she says if she keeps doing this, and the immortal will see her sincere and will bless our family fast and sound. As for me, I don’t believe in superstition, a ghost exists in those people who do the guilty things’ heart. But if people believe in superstition and have faith, that will be good for them, so they won’t feel empty and do the right things.


初二英语作文 篇3

  It was raining when Tom was on his way home. He opened his umbrella and walked faster. Suddenly he saw an old woman staggering forward with a stick in her hand. She hadn't got an umbrella with her and was wet all over. Tom went up to her and tried to share his umbrella with her. But the old woman was tall and he was too short to hold it high enough. Then he saw the old woman's stick and a good idea came to him. He tried hard to tie the stick to the handle of the umbrella. Then the umbrella was long enough for both of them. The old woman thanked him again and again. Then they went on walking home.

初二英语作文 篇4

  Live with thankfulness

  Do you know Thanksgiving Day? Do you know why human thank God?

  Thanksgiving falls on the fourth Thursday of November, a different date every year. The President must proclaim that date as the official celebration.

  Thanksgiving is a time for tradition and sharing. Even if they live far away, family members gather for a reunion at the house of an older relative. All give thanks together for the good things that they have.

  In this spirit of sharing, civic groups and charitable organizations offer a traditional meal to those in need, particularly the homeless. On most tables throughout the United States, foods eaten at the first thanksgiving have become traditional.

初二英语作文 篇5

  Shopping Online

  With the help of the Internet, shopping is not a difficult job. Just click your mouse to choose the article you like, and the shopping is finished. You needn't step out of the room.

  It seems easy and quick. But there's always a trap(陷阱) online. If you are careless, it will bring you some trouble. You may find the color of the article is different from what you want, or the size is either too small or too big. If you want to be different, you“d better not buy clothes online.

  Once you put on the clothes you bought online and go out, you will find many people wear the same clothes in the street.

初二英语作文 篇6

  Recently, the movies about the old people happen to have the magic and then come back to their 20 years old time are very popular. The old people do all kinds of crazy things that they never have the chance to do. These movies tell people that given another chance, they will do whatever they want to do. I always hear my parents said when they retired, they could carry out all kinds of their plans and enjoyed the life. In my opinion, when we are young , we shuold enjoy our moment and chase our dream. It is a little to carry out the plans when we are old. Youth is the advantages.


初二英语作文 篇7

  Before I was 10, I lived in my hometown, it was a small and beautiful village, I love my hometown so much。

  I remembered when it rained with the sunshine, there would be the rainbow in the sky。 As the sky was so blue, the rainbow was very big, just like I was in front of the rainbow, it was so amazing。 After I moved to the city, I never see the rainbow as beautiful as what I saw in my hometown。 In the city, there are so many building that they cover people’s eyesight, what’s more, the environment is polluted so heavy that the sky is grey。 I wish to see the beautiful rainbow again。



初二英语作文 篇8

  Time flies when we are having fun is an old expression. We know, as we reminisce of our past, time flies regardless.

  As we grow beyond our teenage. We remember the times of fun we had when we were young, when we were in primary school. We had little concern, little responsibilities. We all remember chasing our friends in catch, sneaking around in hide-and-seek and the fun in the playground.

  As we grow with time, our lives become filled with stress and worries. It is in these times we remember what we had, what we took for granted. As we do so, we look forward to what we can achieve and what we will see of ourselves years down the tracks.




初二英语作文 篇9


  I think smiling is as important as sunshine. Smiling is like sunshine because it can make people happy and have a good day. If you aren’t happy, you can smile, and then you will feel happy. Someone may say, But I don’t feel happy. Then I would say, Please smile as you do when you are happy or play with your friends happily. You will really be happy again.

  You don’t like crying, right? So you must prefer smiling, because you know smiling will let people forget everything unhappy. Every day, we see teachers or students and say, Hi/Hello! How are you? At the same time, you are smiling, right?

  Smiling can let you have more friends. With a smile, people will know you’re a kind person. They will talk with you, so you will have more and more friends.

  So I say, smiling is like a flower, the sunshine, warmth. It will give you happiness.

初二英语作文 篇10

  My name is Xiaoming and I like traveling very much. Last summar, I went to the Great Wall with my family.

  It was fine that day. We went there by bus early in the morning. When we got there, there were many other visitors there. When my family and I went onto the Great Wall, we saw beautiful scenery(风景). We all were amazed(惊讶的) by how beautiful it was. We took quite a few photos there.

  We had a good time there. The time flew by, and soon we had to go back. I was tired after traveling, but I really enjoyed visiting the Great Wall!

  Unit2 How often do you exercise?










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