
2018-01-30 歌词

  新世纪的圣诞夜当然要找些活动来庆祝一下。 关于圣诞节的歌词有哪些?以下是小编为您整理的相关资料,欢迎阅读!

  1 ☆ Silent Night 平安夜


  Silent Night

  silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright

  round you Virgin Mother and Child

  sleep in heavenly peace (repeat)

  silent night, holy night, shepherd's quake at the night

  glories stream from Heaven afar, heavenly host sing Alleluia

  Christ the savior is born (repeat)

  silent night, holy night, son of God, love's pure light

  radiant beams from thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace

  Jesus Lord, at thy birth (repeat)

  Jesus Lord, at thy birth

  2 ★ The First Noel 第一支圣诞歌


  The First Noel

  The first noel the angel did say,

  Was to certain poor shepherds in fields as they lay;

  In fields where they lay keeping their sheep

  On a cold winter's night that was so deep.

  Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the king of Israel.

  They looked upon and saw a star

  Shining in the east beyond them far

  And to the earth it gave great light

  And so it continued both day and night.

  Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the king of Israel.

  Thus by the light of that same star

  three wise men came from country far

  to seek for a king was their intent,

  and to follow the star wherever it went.

  Noel, Noel, Noel, Noel, born is the king of Israel. Oh, Noel——

  3 ★ White Christmas 白色圣诞节


  White Christmas

  I'm dreaming of a white Christmas, just like the ones I used to know.

  Where the treetops glisten, and children listen

  To hear sleigh bells in the snown

  I'm dreaming of a white Christmas with every Christmas card I write.

  May your days be merry and bright

  and may all your Christmases be white.

  may all your Christmases be white

  4 ☆ We wish you a Merry Christmas

  简介:圣诞节该是什么样的?——该是欢快的。所以,我们祝你有个快乐的圣诞节、快乐的新年!带点布丁,带点糖果,要是你不给点什么,我们可不走哦,祝福可不是白给的!来自Enya(恩雅)的天籁之音!We Wish You A Merry Christmas

  We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas

  We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  We wish you a merry Christmas. We wish you a merry Christmas

  We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

  We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

  Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

  Oh bring us some figgy pudding. I'll bring it out here!

  Oh bring us some figgy pudding. Oh bring us some figgy pudding

  Oh bring us some figgy pudding. I'll bring it out here!

  Good tidings we bring to you and your kin

  We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy new year

  We won't go until we get some. We won't go until we get some

  We won't go until we get some. So bring some out here!

  We won't go until we get some. We won't go until we get some

  We won't go until we get some. So bring some out here!

  5 ★ God Rest Ye Merry


  God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen

  Loreena Mckennitt

  God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen. Let nothing you dismay

  Remember Christ, our Saviour, was born on Christmas day

  To save us all from Satan's power when we were gone astray

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  "Fear not," then said the angel,"let nothing you affright

  This day is born a Saviour of pure Virgin bright

  To free all those who trust in Him from Satan's power and might"

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  The shepherds at those tidings rejoiced much in mind

  And left their flocks a feeding in tempest, storm, and wind

  And went to Bethlehem straightway, the Son of God to find

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  And when they came to Bethlehem where our dear Saviour lay

  They found Him in a manger where oxen feed on hay

  His Mother Mary kneeling down unto the Lord did pray

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Now to the Lord sing praises, all you within this place

  And with true love and brotherhood each other now embrace

  The holy tide of Christmas all other doth deface

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  Oh tidings of comfort and joy, comfort and joy

  6 ☆ Hark! Herald Angles Sing 天使在歌唱

  简介:与圣诞的寂静不同,天使的报信让世人沸腾:这是和平之子,这是正义之光,基督的降生是为了拯救世俗的臣民,是为给他们第二次生命。来自超级天后Mariah Carey(玛丽亚-凯莉)的翻唱!Hark! The Herald Angels Sing

  Hark! The herald angels sing, "Glory to the newborn king,

  peace on earth and mercy mild, God and sinner reconciled,

  joyful all ye nations rise, join the triumph of the skies,

  with the angelic host proclaim, Christ is born in Bethlehem."

  Hark! The herald angels sing, glory to the new-born king.

  Hark! The heaven-born Prince of Peace, Hail, and the Sun of Righteousness

  Light and life to all He brings, Risen with healing in His wings.

  Mild He lays his glory by, born that man no more may die

  Born to raise the sons of earth, born to give them second birth.

  Hark! The herald angels sing, glory to the new-born king.

  7 ☆ Winter Wonderland 冬天的仙境


  Winter Wonderland

  Billy Gilman

  Sleigh bells ring, are you listening?

  In the lane, snow is glistening

  A beautiful sight, we're happy tonight

  walking in a winter wonderland

  Gone away is the bluebird, here to stay is a new bird

  He sings a love song as we go along

  Walking in a winter wonderland

  In the meadow we can build a snowman

  Then pretend that he is Parson Brown

  He'll say: Are you married? we'll say: No man

  But you can do the job when you're in town

  Later on, we'll conspire as we dream by the fire

  To face unafraid the plans that we've made

  walking in a winter wonderland

  In the meadow we can build a snowman

  and pretend that he's a circus clown

  We'll have lots of fun with mister snowman

  Until the other kids knock him down

  When it snows, ain't it thrilling

  Though your nose gets a chilling

  We'll frolic and play, the Eskimo way

  walking in a winter wonderland (Repeat 3 times)

  8 ☆ Joy To The World 普世欢腾

  简介:《普世欢腾》(Joy To The World)是伊萨克-沃茨(Isaac Watts)于1719年写下的著名圣诞颂歌,旋律非常熟悉。原文本有独立的七个段落,现有的音频资料是根据原文缩编成曲的。当今流行音乐天后级歌手——玛利亚-凯丽也翻唱过,附上她的音频。和传统的颂唱方式相比,她的'版本多少还是矫情。

  普世欢腾,救主下降,沃野、洪涛、山石、平原无不歌声嘹亮——主治万方的气度,仅仅有海豚音的音色怎么够呢,你觉得呢?Joy To The World

  Text: Isaac Watts

  Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King

  Let every heart prepare Him room. And Heaven and nature sing

  And Heaven and nature sing. And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

  He rules the world with truth and grace and makes the nations prove

  The glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love

  And wonders of His love. And wonders and wonders of His love

  Joy to the world, the Saviour reigns. Let Saints their songs employ

  While fields and floods, rocks, hills and plains repeat the sounding joy

  Repeat the sounding joy. Repeat, Repeat, the sounding joy

  He rules the world with truth and grace and makes the nations prove

  The glories of His righteousness and wonders of His love

  And wonders of His love. And wonders and wonders of His loveLet every heart prepare Him room. And Heaven and nature sing

  And Heaven and nature sing. And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing

  9 ★ O Holy Night玛丽亚-凯丽


  《神圣夜晚》是法国一个酒场主1847年写下的赞美诗,后流传到美国,由波士顿的牧师翻译而成。现在听到的这个版本是由Mariah Carey重新诠释的,荡气回肠,一首圣诞经典圣诗!

  O Holy Night

  Mariah Carey

  O holy night. The stars are brightly shining

  It is the night of our dear Savior's birth

  Long lay the world in sin and error pining

  Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth

  A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices

  For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn

  Fall on your knees. O hear the angel voices!

  O night divine. O night when Christ was born!

  O night divine. O night, o night divine! (Repeat)

  10 ★ Angels We Have Heard On High 天使歌唱在高天

  简介:圣诞节时唱的赞美诗称为“圣诞颂歌”。圣诞的颂歌很多,词曲多取自名家名作,这首《天使歌唱在高天》即是其中的一首!Angels We Have Heard On High

  Text: French Carol, ca. 1862

  Angels we have heard on high sweetly singing over the plains

  And the mountains in reply echoing their joyous strains

  Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o. Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o

  Shepherds, why this Jubilee? Why your joyous strains prolong?

  What the gladsome tidings be which inspire your heavenly song?

  Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o. Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o

  Come to Bethlehem and see him whose birth the angels sing

  Come, adore on bended knee, Christ, the Lord, the newborn King

  Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o. Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o

  See Him in a manger laid. Jesus, Lord of heaven and earth!

  Mary, Joseph, lend your aid, with us sing our Savior's birth

  Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o. Glo-ori-a in excelsis de-o

  shepherd n. 牧羊人

  Jubilee n. (天主教50年一次)大赦年

  adore v. 崇拜,爱慕

  Savior n. 救世主











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