
2018-02-10 检讨书



  Respected team leader:

  With a sense of self remorse and guilt, I submit this review to you to deeply reflect on my mistakes that took place in the evening of September 1st. That night, because his girlfriend over, I named after, ignoring the rules and regulations for the team, without external girlfriend together, behavior is extremely poor, extremely serious influence to the team leader, and a lot of trouble, then, make a sincere apology to you.

  After accepting your criticism, I personally reflect on it. Through careful review of errors, the analysis of errors. I realized that my own mistakes came from:

  1, their own sense of discipline is weak, not high in their own requirements, and is also a manifestation of disobedience to management. All of this fully indicates that I am far from a qualified cadet, and the gap between my own quality and a qualified soldier's quality is still very large, which is caused by my casual work style. This year was my sixth year in the military academy, and it was the first examination of his own school. He is born in the countryside, knowing that his parents are not easy to cultivate themselves, so they have always cherished their hard won learning opportunities.

  Kung Fu people, through their own unremitting efforts, he was admitted to the University of information engineering, and in the four years of undergraduate, outstanding Party members and won awards every year, and the success of cryptography to electric walks graduate students, undergraduate students why have been good, good team leader in the eyes of the backbone, since now will become so good, my reflection, summed up as follows: 1. the faith will not firm. Each team organization learning political theory, the total feeling is empty talk, walk, will not listen to their natural heart, like this, make yourself with the spirit of the Party Central Committee is seriously out of line, short-sighted, only pay attention to personal interests.

  2, too shallow and the significance of the rules and regulations on the understanding of the connotation, the overall feeling is our life in the growth of foot binding of stone.

  3. there is a deviation in the understanding of postgraduate students. It is always felt that the focus of postgraduate students is to learn, and other aspects can reduce the standard. In fact, the above spirit is good. It is believed that to go to graduate school, autonomy is relatively strong, which is intended to create a good learning and research environment for us. However, to our own, the team members do not want to emphasize themselves as undergraduates, so they can laziness. From the beginning of the Laichuang, interior quality decreased, the casual, late for class, step by step to the development of this semester in a week, they have been out of the two things, one day on Wednesday he was correcting two times continuous picket, late night yebuguisu, visible style discipline his face fell to what degree.

  2. a serious lack of responsibility. It is the captain of the District, the old Party member. Especially now just team in place, the work is not immediately to the hospital, the brigade leader of the inspection team to visit our key

  Time. Do not think about how to better solve the existing problems in the team, how to lead the construction of a good six team environment. Ignoring the rules and regulations of the team and staying at home for the night, they broke up the rules and regulations of the team. They also had bad effects on their comrades. Because of my own mistakes, which are likely to follow another comrade, affect the team discipline, want to come now, very ashamed.

  3. the leadership of the team is afraid and distance. If there is anything, we would rather go out in private and dare not ask for leave to the leader. In fact, think about how stupid I was. Out in the outside, living together in the six team, the team leadership is actually regard us as their own children. The strict leadership of the team is for everyone to have a good life and learning environment, so that the university can have a proud family, so that you can better perform your job in the future. Really, whenever there is any difficulty, you are really helping yourself with a group of brothers and team leaders. Think of what you did last night, how selfish and irresponsible. Because of his self righteous yesterday, the injured leader and the attendant did not sleep at 1 in the morning, for me to worry.

  4. there is a lack of collective honor. Most of the time, there is always one person to do with one person, not to be tired of anyone's thoughts. Only after the six teams, the personal honor and disgrace are closely linked with the six teams. This is thanks to the captain, if the leading organs found, will give the team six with much stain, especially now, is the hospital implement month doctrine, to meet the eighteen, and stressed the safety and stability of the occasion, really be unbearable to contemplate the consequences.

  Through this matter, in the deeply grieved at the same time, I also feel lucky, feel the awakening of time, I am determined to learn a lesson, take practical action to correct their mistakes, which in my future life on the road, it is undoubtedly a key turning point.

  So, at the same time, I have made a review to the leadership, and I also express my gratitude to you. Therefore, no matter how the leadership severely punished me, I would not have any opinion. At the same time, I ask the leader to give me another chance, so that I can express my awakening through my actions, and work harder to make positive contributions for my unit's work. Please trust me.

  Once again, in violation of the provisions of District, said ashamed and sorry. And please the other students in my lessons.



  Respected team Cadres:

  Due to personal reasons, there are serious problems in their own queue, which have been recorded by the video and have caused serious consequences. A profound review is made.

  This thing on Monday morning after class to know, in the comprehensive management of information online, a queue order video bulletin, this is what happened: on Thursday April 21st morning during the conversion, because after going back to the Department of intelligent control course, together with Wang Gang, on the road met with our team comrades, but ignored the queue discipline, did not do three of the trip, no queue adjustment, but continue to go their own, no queue consciousness, Friday is my study in the laboratory, lunch time, and brother pass, by the distance to the canteen is close, some of the problems in the way of discussion get up, do not pay attention to their neglect of the queue, queue no talking and laughing the discipline. Cause a bad effect.

  This time I made a lot of mistakes in my mistakes. I reflected on many things. I was very sorry. I also realized the seriousness of my mistakes and felt ashamed of my mistakes. The team started injunctions, has repeatedly stressed the queue order, the discipline of discipline, and remind us not to break the rules, especially some time ago picket problems, but I did not put these words in mind, now picket less, your consciousness is weak, and that no matter what. It is not necessary to realize that there is no profound understanding of the words of the team cadres without a profound understanding. This is the lack of respect for the leadership, not the whole team's honor on the heart, not strict with their own requirements. At the same time, the mistake also rounded the alarm, hoping that you would not make a similar mistake.

  The first is: too bad personal development and lack of military literacy. Although experienced four years of military school life, personal development is not enough. It can be said that a long time of relaxation is that we forget discipline and forget management and fail to realize our personal development.

  Second: your luck, think now no picketing, nobody, nobody can casually see how to go, how to do their own. It won't be noticed. I do not know that many eyes are staring at themselves, but they are not aware of them. It's too late to find out your problem.

  Third: no collective honor on the heart, the mistake of the team in the black, disregard for the team's honor, no consideration of the consequences. The impact is very bad.

  After that, I thought calmly for a long time, and the mistakes I made this time have not only brought trouble to myself, but also delayed my work and study. And this kind of behavior has caused the whole team to have a bad effect and a bad effect among the comrades.

  Every leader wants his students to do a good all-round development, excellent in character and learning, the military image, but also to make our army have a good image. Every friend of war also wants to work and live a good growing environment. But a good working environment is built by everyone's joint efforts. But I made a mistake this time, and destroyed the good environment.

  I sincerely accept criticism, and I have made a serious and principled problem. I know, for the military, not violated military discipline, no violation of discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. But I didn't even do the most basic. I am deeply regretted now that I have made a big mistake.

  I will examine myself with this violation as a mirror, criticize and educate myself, and consciously accept supervision. Through this event, I should also improve my understanding of the mind and strengthen the measures of responsibility. No matter in the queue or in other ways I will set strict demands on themselves, I will recognize the mistake, it as a turning point in my life, I hope that we can see the profound repentance attitude on the event, I believe that the heart of repentance, I guarantee that similar things won't happen again. For all this I will also further in-depth summary of the profound introspection, urge the leadership to believe that I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing

  Redouble the effort to do well. At the same time, we sincerely hope that everyone can give supervision and help.

  Now make the following guarantee to correct your own mistakes.

  The first one: strengthen the ideological understanding, efforts to strengthen the rules and regulations of the learning in the thought sounded the alarm, the discipline regulations in the first place, always forget to remind yourself of the responsibility and mission.

  Second: Please supervise the comrades.


  Honorable leader, fellow comrades:

  Today, I have a profound regret to do a profound review of this, the occurrence of this is this:

  After the incident, I seriously reflect on the root of my own problems, mainly in the following aspects:

  First, the concept of discipline is weak and the awareness of rules and regulations is poor. For a long time, in the army to meet the general, go without learning rules and regulations seriously in the army. There is no strict restraint on your everyday words and deeds. The subordinate concept is weak, no place to put themselves in the communication and leadership is very casual. Some small problems shown in daily life has also suffered the criticism and even remind leaders, but did not pay attention to it, always think of little importance, will not affect their daily work, always do not recognize their mistakes seriously, leading to this

  What happened.

  Two, the style of work is not fine is not real, with their own preferences recklessly. In a head to send documents prior to the examination and approval procedures have not asked, with an open mind to understand comrade to ask, how they want to do, regardless of the leadership. Always feel that they do business should teshiteban, not fully consider the issue, was not criticized the leadership to find the reasons from their own behavior method, but the rush to do the interpretation, in an attempt to evade responsibility, to expose its thought is not mature and the method of work is not solid.

  Three, the self - awareness of excess, the character of the existence of obvious shortcomings. Because he is a local high school directly admitted to the military academy after assigned to the army, beat and lack of temper in their growth process, leading the blind arrogant mentality unceasingly, under the superior leadership criticism cannot accept, always feel justified, not the mouth, often contradict retort. All the time, not because of the leadership of the kind and generous to me over, but I did not understand the good intentions of the leadership, has not only profound understanding of himself shortcomings and correct them, but pleased with oneself, think highly of the leadership, then take like a passing wind. In this way, it will only go down and lower the wrong abyss, and eventually make irreparable and pardon mistakes.

  Four, the style is lazy and dilute, and does not cultivate a good military image. army

  Volume meter is a mirror of its performance spirit, the instrument of poor people, the style is lazy. In the army work for so many years, I looked for understanding the instrument is always stay in a relatively shallow place, usually in the examination to note that one thing is superficial, not good manners to recognize a person's growth and progress plays a subtle role.

  At the beginning of the beginning of criticism, the leader felt that he was a leader in a teacup, but when he began to reflect on himself slowly, he found that he was wrong. But make a little success in the army, all of its military capacity meter. It is serious in appearance, good manners, is the distinction between soldiers and ordinary people is the most obvious boundary, even their own manners do not maintain a good military instrument is not a qualified soldier. On the surface, wearing military uniform, but in the heart still equates oneself to ordinary people, will make this kind of low grade error, not accidental, but inevitable.

  This is only a problem that has been exposed in this event, but the root of the problem is in the daily cultivation, and the following are the following points:

  First, there is a lack of mental obedience, obedience to the command and awareness of the command. We can't carry out the instructions of our superiors, lack of the general idea and consider ourselves more.

  Two, usually do not pay attention to learning, in the course of acceptance of the organization is open.

  The hill, as a mere formality, not seriously comprehend superior intention instructions for understanding the forces of the rules and regulations of the deep penetration, can not be used to guide the practice.

  Three, the ability of their own ability is low. For their low requirements in their daily work, always think of myself as technical cadres, improve their professional skills on the line, to include military quality and the administrative ability, military skills to learn, do not want to learn, lead pipe soldiers ability, methods, model not strict demands on themselves as soldiers, in life is not usually study and work actively to the team leaders and comrades around learning experience of their practices, leading to their work ability is low, usually less processing problems, on-the-spot reaction ability is weak, their quality is always hovering at a low level.

  From the mistakes I made, I got a deep lesson, recognized the shortcomings and shortcomings of myself, and decided to make great efforts to correct my mistakes in the next work, study and life. Therefore, I hereby solemnly promise to the leaders and the comrades here.

  A careful study, army rules and regulations, and to regulate their own daily behavior, do have, for a day, continue to temper to develop their own military style.

  Two. Listen carefully and accept the criticism and suggestion of others. It is cold and cold.

  Think of yourself if you have a mistake.

  Three, in the normal working life in the daily life, pay attention to their own image and strictly request themselves. Actively participate in the activities organized by the team and strengthen the training of military skills.











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