
2020-11-29 教师节

  教师是人类灵魂的.工程师,建立教师节有助于形成尊师重教、尊重知识、尊重 人才的社会风尚。下面是小编收集整理的教师节英语作文8篇,希望对你有所帮助!

  Article one: Teacher's Day

  In September 10th, teacher's day, in this new semester, I know a lot of teachers. What I like most is the teacher who has brought us from the first grade to the present class teacher.

  In the morning, I get up early to sort out my study supplies. After dinner, I hurried on the bag and came to the beautiful campus. Because today is the teacher's day, I specially brought carnations, which represent health and happiness. I hope it will bring good luck to the teacher. In fact, we are the little flowers, the teacher this hard gardener to water us and grow up. I handed the flower to the teacher, when the teacher was seriously correcting his homework. I slipped the flowers into the vase. Ah, there's a little bit of fragrance in the classroom.

  Head down, look at the red scarf in front of the chest, think of what the teacher said: red scarf is dyed with the blood of soldiers. He's a symbol of bravery, ningsibuqu spirit. These are teachers who teach us. Teachers not only teach us cultural knowledge, but also teach us to do well.

  I really want to say to the teacher, teacher, you are hard! I thank you and wish you...

  Article two: Teacher's Day

  Some people say that the teacher is the heaven of the brightest dipper, as we pointed out the direction; some people say that the teacher is a mountain the most cool spring, with the fragrance of nectar juice pour our these young trees; some people say that the teacher is lush leaves, with his strong body and protect our future bud.

  Teacher, I adore you, I can't say why you have this feeling of worship, watching you leave a line on the blackboard and pretty neat handwriting, but I can't weigh out the middle and bears many mysteries and sweat, just know that this is your social education selfless dedication. Listen to every word you speak on the platform. What kind of sound is that? Is it a natural green bird call? Is it a harmonious melodic sound from classical musical instruments? No, no, it is a day of the sound, the world contains the melody sounds, let us deep feelings, because the voice is not the voice, but a sound knowledge of the signal, heard this sound, you know a lot of knowledge from the distance came hurtling into your wisdom Hui's inn.

  I want to say to the teacher, "I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!"

  Article three: Teacher's Day

  September 10th is Teachers'Day, that day, we are sure that we can buy many gifts for teachers, we should on this day for the teacher to give our blessing, the teacher is very good to us, and many of the knowledge to teach us, let us remember that we also train how to behave, how to be a good person. I have read the sentence in my composition book: the teacher for us, work day and night, change homework, prepare lessons... Like a horse running day and night. I have seen this sentence very moved, I will think: teacher, you are so bad to the body, will be sick!

  In school, teachers are as caring for us as our parents. One of the articles in the book is that there is a little girl who has no mother, and his father is going to go on a business trip and has to take care of her. The teacher was very concerned about her love for her. One night it was very cold, and the teacher put me in my arms, a hot air, but the teacher's child was colder than me. I want to open the teacher's hand, but the teacher hugged me tightly, I cried.

  When I finish this article, the tears have fallen down, the teacher's meticulous care also touched me, students! We must make up our mind, we must study hard and repay our teacher with the result.

  Article four: Teacher's Day

  Standing under the red flag, we ushered in a memorable Teachers'Day, happiness in this warm and exciting moment, I represent all the students holding out our most pure, the most sincere and warmest heart, wish to care, we grow one all the teachers happy holidays and happiness ankang! We even hope our greetings and blessings can ease the gardener wrinkles, frost wiped double head gardener, let the gardeners that wisdom eyes shine forever!

  When the teacher is hard, can shape the soul work is great; the candle burning is short, but she burning themselves, others lit heart is eternal. The reason why you are great is not only to impart our scientific and cultural knowledge, but also to set us a model of being a man.

  Thank you, teacher, you make us self confident, to be able to surpass ourselves. You prove to us in fact that learning is not a burden, but a joy and a responsibility, a key to the world we never know. You teach us to explore with your own mind and hands, to find and discover, to make life full of surprises.

  Article five: Teacher's Day

  Today is a big day - teacher's day.

  Today is teacher's day, my come to school early, see a beautiful classroom, they make beautiful cloth, balloons, colored ribbons dress up in colourful. Then we boys give girls what they need. I am the best painting in my class, and every year is my painting, of course, this year is no exception. If you go to our class, you must think it's a fairyland.

  "The teacher is coming," said the student on the outside. This gives us busy, rush about. "The teacher went to the meeting." Hey, what do you have to do! Shout and wrangle. As soon as the teacher entered the room, we sprayed the gift with fireworks, and when the teacher entered the room, I rushed out to the teacher, making me full. I don't have to buy a piece of 100 yuan big cake we eat take cake play, get a face cream.

  Our teacher's holiday is our holiday. Finally, I would like to say, "teacher, you're hard!"

  Article six: Teacher's Day

  Today is the annual Teacher's day, in this special day, teacher, I have a lot of psychological words to say to you!

  You take me from the first grade to the fourth grade, each class is up to you to speak, or have the mouth parched and tongue scorched, not to mind taking the trouble to teach us. Doctors say chalk ends are bad for your health, but you don't know how much chalk you suck in one day. You teach us what you know and teach us one by one, so that we gradually grow up and become sensible. You burn yourself like a candle and illuminate us.

  You are to us, just as mothers are to their own children. Once, when our class members were doing morning exercises, they accidentally fell down. Just as you saw, they hurried up to him and sent him to the clinic quickly. When the doctor said, "nothing, it's just a skin injury." You have only a sigh of relief. Every time you go to school, you are watching us all go, you can leave the school at ease.

  Dear teacher, you give us the selfless love, we must not fail to live up to your expectations, with excellent results to repay you!

  Article Seven: Teacher's Day

  September 10th - teacher's Day is a teacher's holiday.

  Early in the morning, when I came to school, I saw many students sent flowers to the teacher. At that time, I thought a lot about myself: what would I give to my beloved teacher on teacher's day?

  Teacher, I adore you, and I can't tell why I have this kind of worship. But I know that today is your holiday, and you come to class for us. Teacher, you are a hard gardener, selfless and fearless for us these young trees are "pruning shears". Teacher, you are like a tall tree, regardless of wind and rain, or it was not. The sun, you are always stick to their posts, not a bit lax. Teacher, you are still like a mother, caring for us all the time, teaching us the knowledge of culture and teaching us the truth of being a man. It's so kind and kind.

  Thank you, teacher, for your hard education for us over the past 6 years, and let us know a lot of knowledge. Today is teacher's day, I can dedicate it to you now. Only better study can repay your education.

  Teacher, in your holiday, I wish to wish you a happy Teacher's day.

  Article eight: Teacher's Day

  Teachers'Day that day, when we are the classroom music class, Mr. Zhang came in, our class immediately shouted: "teacher," her first rushed up, hugged Zhang, I ran up and hugged zhang. Then, Yang Xi, Hao Xuan, Yue Kai also rushed up to hug teacher Zhang. Mr. Zhang showed a happy and kindly smile on his face.

  Mr. Zhang, a class teacher from grade 1 to three, taught us for three years of Chinese language class. Three years, Zhang care for each one of our classmates always meticulous: Zhang afraid we have too much homework, the abolition of the "read card"; when the weather turns cool, Mr. Zhang will remind us to wear more clothes, do not catch cold; the teacher taught us a lot of knowledge, let us learn a lot of skills...... The students and Mr. Zhang have profound feelings. This year, we went up to grade four. Mr. Zhang no longer acted as our teacher in charge of class, nor taught us Chinese. We haven't seen her for a long time. Mr. Chen, the new teacher in charge of the class, took up a lot of pictures and fixed our joy and excitement in the lens.

  The day of teacher's Day is an unforgettable day! I want to bless our beloved teacher Zhang's health and work! I must also study well, get good results and report to the teacher!











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