
2021-03-19 节日类英语作文


五一假期英语作文 篇1


  In this holiday l was very happy.Why? Because my famliy go to Beijing.We saw Tiananmen.The sky was blue ,Tiananmen was red and yello.It is very nice.Then I played with my mother and father in Xiangshan.In the afteroon we went to Yuanmingyuan.

  Look at Yuangmingyuan, I was very sad.In the evering we ate some litto food.

  Beijing was very big.I love it very much.

五一假期英语作文 篇2

  This year's winter vacation to return to returning to the homeland and have discovered many amazing clean and tidy the streets have become. Although already Tales green trees along the road, but could not conceal the solemn past and prosperous; Litter has become a large green center of boulevards to the yellow straw mattresses, summer seems to reverberate with the Joyful laughing; new commercial logging within the flow of action; just widen the roads is a busy! All this only shows that the change in the economic development of a home layer height!

五一假期英语作文 篇3

  week-long holidays,good or bad?what's your opinion?

  our national day coming. we shall have days of rest,presumably weeklong holidays again just like the weeklong may day holidays. many people welcome weeklong holidays and are busy planning where and how to spend the seven days;whereas many other people do not applaud. as to me, weeklong holidays mean a span of dullness, boredom, melancholy and helplessness, and i think anyone who had experienced the holiday sufferings in may would share my feelings.

  i well remember that from may day, to be more exact, a few days earlier than may day, the shopping season started.most shops extended their shopping hours to respond to their overwhelmingly enthusiastic customers. there were special sales with dcount coupons and instant lucky draws and various sales promotions in nearly every big store to lure po tential customers into spending more. crowds of shoppers flocked towards department stores, enjoying their high purchasing power.

  there were traffic jams almost everywhere, people waited in long queues at bus-stops:and taxi-stands? looking entirely exhausted.tempers flared when people gotpushed or if someone else cut the queue.impatient drivers honked at each other every now and then.

  the railway station was congested with travelers who rushed to the platform like a swarm of bees and then squeezed their way into the train for seats as if there would be no tomorrow.

  in the restaurants, tables were shared. a platoon of waiters filed out from the kitchen armed with various containers of eatables. orders were taken feverhly and then shouted across to the kitchen. excitement reigned everywhere as waiters ran hither and thither to fill the orders.

  the above are just some vivid scenes that happened a few months ago. everywhere was chaos and chaos everywhere. i am really afraid the drama will soon be repeated.

  true,weeklong holidays help activate economy, but what about after-holiday depression? no doubt, people can have a lot of leure, but leure does not always bring a lot of pleasure.

五一假期英语作文 篇4

  Looking forward to, looking forward to, "May Day" holiday is coming.

  My family and I came to guilin, have never thought was involved in "51" crazy storm.

  We as people crammed into "KFC (Kentucky Fried chicken). To look inside a, wow, crowded is dead! One next to one, you won't let me, I won't let you, crowd into clouds. Alas, who call all carry the day on May 1 to shopping!

  In "KFC" winks calculate, incredibly is packed in the elevator! Long not tall people are cheated, is high in front of a block, you can't see yourself to no. But it's too dangerous, so later to haven't put their feet go out miserably......

  "Squeeze" did not end, elevator exports that poured out of a person, all got stuck in the elevator. From one off the elevator, with people moving slowly, spirit is not.

  Didn't eat breakfast, didn't eat KFC, everyone is a little hungry, and so on on the sixth floor of the good old restaurant. At that, needless to say, packed, crowded, send food the waiter from time to time have to say "please make a, please make a". My heart up a question: what are we are come out to play, or to count?

  Very not easy to smile from the hall crowded out, down on the street, where more than a good inside. We left, the right squeeze into the "KFC" zhengyang pedestrian street there. It seems that I didn't guess wrong, immediately can use a word to describe, crowded, in addition to this word can no longer think of another word to describe accurately, I really feel how big "1.3 billion". Since everybody then love, then I will accompany you, see who squeeze too! Very not easy to squeeze into the store, I use critical "at" to a room! , we in the ear of the crowded sat down in the past, wow, finally to eat comfortably.

  Why is "51" so crowded, crowded was so crazy?

五一假期英语作文 篇5

  May Day Holiday at last came! I have lood forward to it for a long time. Because I studied very hard in my school life and L was always thinking of having a holiday and relax myself.

  During this holiday, at first I spent two days finishing my homework. Then I spent three days visiting my relatives. At last I spent two days reviewing my lessons.

  It was fun to communicate with my relatives,especially my cousin Li Ping.Li Ping and I are very good friends. We have a lot in common.But he lives in another city which is far from mine. So we seldom have a chance to play together.

  This holiday, I went to his city and we spent two days togrther. He ledme to many places of interest in his city. And together we played many games. we talked a lot about our schools,our school lives and our friends. We also talked about the best ways to learn well, especially about how to learn English well. Because he was good at English, he gave me some useful advice on it. How I wish I could stay with him for a longer time!

五一假期英语作文 篇6

  On the day of May 1, mom, I and Xiao Zou aunt went to Hunan to play. On the first day, we came to a rich family, where the roof of the house was brilliant and the furniture was fine, not only with the advanced toilet, the spacious film hall but also the free dining room. What a deluxe house! It's a pleasure to visit such a beautiful house.

  At noon, we went to the mountains and went to the countryside together. There are many small bridges. The first bridge is the rocking bridge. I think it's very interesting. The second bridge is a single wooden bridge, and the next is the rough river. (mom says it's a brook, but I think it's a big river). I'm scared to be scared and walk through the single wooden bridge carefully. The last bridge was a steel wire bridge. I came back half way, because I was too scared. We finally got to the end after a great deal of hard work.

  After lunch in the mountains and countryside, we went to 6501 caves. Because it is the first document of the state in 65 years, so it's called the 6501 cave. It's very cold there. The No. two patio is the highest, it is eighty-eight meters high, and it is directly to the sky, it is used to launch missiles. The caves were excavated by engineers and hammers. The power of human beings is endless.

  Finally, we came to the silver beach, which was formed by the mineralization of coal and ash. Sunlight shines on it, like silver, so it's called silver sand beach. I sat on a silver beach with a motorcycle and a horse, and the horse was very good. I said, "drive" it runs a little faster, and I don't say, "driving", it runs very slowly like a snail.

  I am an eye opener today. What a happy day. I'm really looking forward to tomorrow's activities.

五一假期英语作文 篇7

  One Day of Mine

  On May Day, my mother, father, my sister and me went to park to have a picnic, and then visited my grandma and grandpa.

  At nine o’clock in the morning, we went to park for picnic. We took juice, cornflakes, apples, oranges, lollipops, bananas, ice creams, mangoes, and so on. I also took toys, such as doll, ball, balloon, skateboard and a kite.

  At two o’clock in the afternoon, we went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I helped grandpa do some house work. My sister and me played skateboard and doll.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, we went home, and played computer games for two hours and then went to bed.

  I was very happy on May Day!






五一假期英语作文 篇8

  On the day of May 1, I was waken up by my mother in the morning, and I said I was going to play in Ninghai. I jumped three feet, and after breakfast, I started to follow my mom.

  First of all, we came to the first attraction -- Wu Shan grottoes.

  By picking up the ticket, I saw a statue at the first time. He sat there with beer bottle in his hand and seemed to be welcoming friends from all over the world. Along the way, I saw large and small grotesque grottoes. At last, I was attracted by the largest grottoes. I asked the tour guide, "Why are there so many shallow holes on the wall?" the guide smiled and said, "these are the hammers hammered by our forefathers." I looked at the small holes in the wall, and I thought I would have told them how hard it was for them to make the work with hard sweat and clever wisdom. When I looked up at the top of the cave, I couldn't help shouting, "Wow! It's so high." Look on the top of the blue sky, I have a feeling of limited outlook. The Wushan grottoes are really beautiful!

  From the Wushan Grottoes to eat lunch, the tour guide arranged for us to eat in the vicinity of the scenic spots. After dinner, we hurried to the second scenic spots - - East Zhejiang Grand Canyon.

  The guide said that the Grand Canyon would pass through a river. So we sat on a big ship and set out. On the both sides of the river is a large mountain. It must be part of the Grand Canyon of East Zhejiang. After about half an hour, we arrived at the destination. From the boat, we started a hard journey. At first I walked very easily. Later, I felt more and more tired. I kept asking my mother, "have you come to the bottom of the valley and go to the bottom of the valley?" mother said it should be fast. Suddenly, a stone forest appeared before me. These stones are like sea lions, some like elephants, others are like frogs. Behind the stone forest is the valley bottom.

  Although playing on the valley floor is short, it is also the most fun spot I've ever played.

五一假期英语作文 篇9

  may first international labor day w ǔ y ī guójìláo dòng jiéalso calls " may day " decides in every year on may 1. it the world not produces team level, working people's common holiday. labor' s day on may 1st. labor' s day an internationalday for workers. working glorious, and we should respect workers.

五一假期英语作文 篇10

  Sunny May Day, our whole family to go to the wolong mountain park to play. Along the way the grass as if in a nod to us, floret in dance for us, the birds are singing for us, we was very happy, in the car, we soon arrived at wolong mountain park.

  An enter a door, a lot of green green tree caught my eye, for the countless, how like the stars in the sky! There was a very, very big tree, I'm curious thoughtfully looked at this tree, and then solemnly said: "mom, I know that what was the name of a tree." Mother said, "well you say what is the name of the tree is so big." I blurted out, "climb the lion". Mother smiled, said "yes, is getting the lion."

  We laughed as he said, soon came to the bridge, the bridge above is very beautiful, the vast lake, tall building loomed as what on the surface of the water like underwater city! Soon we came to the place by boat, I asked uncle still have how long, can we turn a boat? "The uncle said:" about half an hour! I listen to the stunned, but no way, only slowly, etc., etc. For a long time.

  Looking forward to finally to our ship. I immediately jumped into the boat and rowing happily, my heart is like to eat the honey as sweet, sail, I see Derek fisher is say "hello" to us, the ducks in blessing to us, bless our happy May Day. Quickly for over an hour, go back, because of the water is too big! Some water in my hand as if to remind our next remember to go to this beautiful place to play.

  Ah! This is May Day, our whole family had May Day!










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