
2021-09-07 母亲节


英文的.母亲节作文 篇1

  Today is May 13th, that is mother's day. The weather was good, but there was no hot sun, the cool wind blows on the face, feeling a little cold.

  Morning, I happy on the interest class, almost forgotten today is mother's day, the teacher reminded everybody, that we remember, at noon, we had put science, returned home, I was alone in the living room like: today is mother's day, mom send what gift things? Today is mother's day, mother seems to forget the festival, breakfast in the morning, and then hurried away. Since mother does not know that today is mother's day, then she will give her a surprise at noon. I think, after consultation with father, finally made the decision to send, to a bunch of beautiful flowers, decided to plus a beautiful cards, we will "start", first of all, I put the wrapping paper, selling flowers package on the fine then, and I in the online excerpt some advice about mother's day, my copied down, with some good music, then put the cards and flowers on the table, I put the mother to the table, as the beautiful sound of music, I also read the can't help "when it rains the day will be your shadow in my mind, you for me......." Is such a scenario, I with emotion, the beautiful, beautiful poem, read to the mother to listen, read, one family, immersed in the joy and laughter, after lunch, nap, in the evening, our family happily visited the mall.

  The great mother's love is shown here, selfless, warm, affectionate, warm, broad and inclusive.

  Today's mother's day, I spent this way, happy, after the mother's day, I will certainly give mother more surprises!

英文的母亲节作文 篇2

  Today is mother's day. It's mother's holiday. I thought about giving my mother a most meaningful gift. Send a bunch of flowers! Too vulgar; send a greeting card! It's too common; eat it! No grade. I thought for a while, can not think. So, I think: go to the gift shop, see what can express my mind, what to see, what I buy. Yes! So, so I flew to the gift shop.

  Open the door of the gift shop, the store was crowded with students to buy a gift for my mother, the goods inside let me pick hualiaoyan a superb collection of beautiful things. I did not know what to buy, so I went to the owner and said, "Hello aunty, is there a gift for my mother?" The storekeeper took me to the past, the enthusiastic introduction said: "these three pieces are very good, today is the mother's day?" I nodded, and I weighed for a while. I thought the shape was very good, the shape was a bracket with a red heart on it, and the red heart was also engraved in English: loveislove. I think it is a red heart, is not a symbol of my hot red heart? Is that red heart fixed on the scaffold, is it a symbol of my heart? At the thought of here, I did not hesitate to take out the money and buy the gift.

  Back home, I always felt a lack of something, so I gave the gift a beautiful package.

  The clock struck six, and mother came back with the tired body. As soon as I entered the door, I showed the gift to my mother. My mother didn't respond to it for a while. After a while, mom stroked my head, her eyes flashed, tears, and slowly said, "my daughter has grown up." At that moment, I thought a lot.

  This is a very unremarkable gift, but in the eyes of mother, it is more important than her life! I must let my mother feel my love for her every day!

英文的母亲节作文 篇3

  Kinship is the noblest and most beautiful love. What is my mother's thanks to my mother for caring so much?

  Today, it's customary to look at the calendar: ah! Today mother's day. I hurried to school with the money. Along the way, I wondered what to give my mother. Mother's day is a gift to my mother but I haven't been able to do it for three years.

  Speaking of mother's day, I heard it three years ago. It was childish then, and sent a young letter of his own. My mother was glad to hold the letter. The year before last, I sent a bottle of very bright nail polish, sparkling, sparkling with crystal powder. Mother likes it, too. Last year, I was very special. I sent eight beautiful carnations to my mother. My mother smelled the flowers and hugged me tightly.

  This year, I was a fourth grade student, and I learned an extraordinary cooking skill and decided to cook a delicious meal for the whole family. But this is mother's day gift for mom.

  When I went out to buy food, I jumped through the streets carrying baskets and came to the market. There was a lot of excitement, people coming and going, now I really regret that I won't eat, grow so short, always be pressed by tall people. The vegetables here are fresh and diverse, and I'm dazzled by them. I had a basket and a basket of food, and almost the food overwhelmed me. Look, there's a sea of people. So I squeezed in, on the ground is a bunch of flowers, beautiful and urgent! I bought a bunch of cargoes. Carrying so many things, I went home unwieldy.

  Mother came back, and she saw the table full of delicious food. "Eat, eat! I raised my voice. The whole family praised me, especially my mother.

  I don't know how good my cooking is, but not as good as mom. Why does mother praise me, mother's concern, mother's love makes me moved! At that time, I was feeling tearful and a little sad. Think, think...

英文的母亲节作文 篇4

  "The mother line, wandering clothing. Leaving thick seam, Italy has to fear. Who grass inch heart, reported in the apartments?" These poems, Meng Jiao, a famous poet in the Tang Dynasty, vividly and vividly expressed their mother's deep love for their children and the gratitude of their children to their mother.

  Mother love is great, mother's care for me is meticulous. The mother not only in life is to care about me, often Wenhanwennuan, still learning enthusiasm, good at giving systematic guidance. My mother often tells me stories about hard work and learning by celebrities, great men and scientists when they are young. They teach me to follow their example, learn from them, and make a good kid who is good at learning, advancing, civilized and polite. Mother to me like the spring sunshine for me to bring warmth. As a daughter in reading, I often warn myself to study hard and repay my mother with excellent results.

  Today is mother's Day is Sunday, I changed the habit of sleeping in on Sunday, crept up to two out of an egg from the fridge, then imitate granny usually boiled, put water in the pot on the gas stove. After the water was opened, two eggs were laid in the boiling water, and in a little while two white oval eggs were formed in the pot. I turned off the gas, took out two bowls from the cupboard, filled each bowl with an egg, a bowl gave her grandma, and a bowl gave it to her mother.

  When I took the mother handed the eggs, I excitedly asked: "how do you think of my eggs today?" I smiled and said to my mother, "usually you and grandma prepare breakfast for me. Today is mother's day. I want to make breakfast for myself as a gift for mother's day." After listening to me, my mother held me and said, "you are good!" My mother and I cled together, a warm heat flow in my heart.

英文的母亲节作文 篇5

  When you are sick, you will have a weak body, fever and headache, cough, sore throat, diarrhea, no mouth, and you will feel depressed all day long.

  Remember once in grade two in the morning, I suddenly hot body weakness, I feel as if I had caught a cold but she has to work, I have to go to school, in the third quarter, more and more uncomfortable with the teacher to me to the clinic for nurse aunt, a temperature high enough to 40 degrees no wonder will be hot and cold, sore and ache all over, the nurse aunt want me to call grandma, grandma leave immediately, put down the task at hand, a taxi with me in a great hurry, take me to the hospital emergency department, after the doctor auscultation, want me to do as x-rays, blood, urinalysis, examination throat, sputum examination results require hospitalization for pneumonia, a cold grandmother hurriedly contact the mother ask for leave to work in a hospital ward care of me.

  Next to the ward bed is one of only two years old child, his grandparents child and mom and dad always cried ˇ I asked my mother to know is how poor child brain steadily a large lump, well my mother is white angels, give me meticulous care, the injection, the temperature, phlegm, warm water bath, feeding, unconsciously I fell asleep and fever, but mother didn't sleep at night always accompanied me good pain! Grandma also prepared delicious and nutritious food for me, let me recover my day back to the third day, the doctor said I could finally after I was released from the hospital to wash their hands often, drink less cold drinks, wear more clothes, to wipe the sweat after a movement. I smiled and said, thank you, doctor, I remember what you said.

  The hospitalization let me know that working as a nurse's mother was hard work, sacrificing sleep at night and spending time with family. Mom, you are so great! I will never be naughty again, want to eat more, watch TV early to go to bed early to rise to make the body strong, the bacterium, the virus dare not to bully me.

  Today is mother's day, wish! Happy mother's day! Mom I love you!










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