
2021-04-24 其他类英语作文


英语作文 篇1

  Hi,this is Liu Yun.I m going to have a busy weekend!On Staurday,I m going to the bookstore by subway.I m going to buy a new CD and some story-books.Then,I m going to go home and read the new books.On Sunday,I m going to the supermarket with my mother.We re going after lunch.Then,in the evening,Im going to visit my aunt.We are going to watch TV together.That will be fun!

英语作文 篇2

  My Idea on Teacher student Relationship(我看师生关系)





  Teacher student relationship plays an important role in school life. A good relationship will make learning interesting and teaching enjoyable. A bad relationship, however, can make learning dull and teaching unpleasant.

  To have a good teacher student relationship, it is important that the teacher and the student understand each other and respect each other. The teacher must know that he should be neither too tough, nor too permissive. If he is too tough, the student may be frightened and discouraged. If he is too permissive, the student may become lazy and careless. So his attitude should be between the two extremes. He should be strict yet friendly. As for a student, he should know that what the teacher does is for the benefit of his students. He should always show his proper respect to the teacher. Moreover, he should always be eager to learn and willing to work hard. If he is modest, he will learn more than just knowledge from his teacher.

  In one word, a good teacher student relationship can be mutually beneficial. The student may find the learning process both fruitful and enjoyable while the teacher may find his teaching satisfactory and pleasant.

英语作文 篇3

  When we talk about the discrimination, we always think about the race between the black and the white. Black people are always looking down by the white people, while in our country, though we are the same color, the discrimination still exists, it is about the people’s view about the different cities.


  When we talk about the big cities, such as ShanghaiandBeijing, we always think about that the people inBeijingresist the people from other cities.Beijingcitizens are so proud of their identity, they think they are priority, they are in the first rank, while others are lower than them. While when we talk about the people from poor country, we always think about the dirty face and ragged clothes, this is also discrimination. Are these true? Of course not, I have friends fromBeijingand Guangxi, both of them are nice to me, they don’t look down upon people or look dirty. The impressions are wrong, people now no longer discriminate each other, the crimination only exists in few people.

  当我们谈到大城市,如北京和上海的时候,我们总会想到北京人抗拒其他城市的人。北京居民为他们的身份感到自豪,他们认为自己是高人一等,他们出于第一层 次,然而其他人低于他们。当我们谈到来自贫穷城市的时候,我们总是想到脏的脸和破旧的衣服,这也是一种歧视。这些都是真的吗?当然不是,我有来自北京和广 西的朋友,他们对我都很友好,他们并没有看不起人或者看上去很脏。这些印象都是错误的,人们现在不再彼此歧视,歧视只在少数人身上存在。

  In all, though the discrimination still exists between cities, we must have the thought that it is not all people, just a few people, we believe that someday it will disappear.


英语作文 篇4

  On fair and clear evenings in the country I enjoy looking up at the stars in the sky. The evenings are warm and calm, and the heavens seem so close that you can touch the stars. Sometimes I try to recognize as I can. Because the air in the village is less polluted by the smoke and street lights than in the city, I can see the stars distinctly. Occasionally I will see falling stars draw bright lines in the sky. There is harmony between the moon and stars in the quiet sky and the slow pace of the village. I really enjoy the peaceful summer evenings in the village.

英语作文 篇5

  Look! This is my classroom.It’s very big.The doors are orange.The wall is white.There are two beautiful pictures on the wall.The fans are green and blue.The board is black. The shelf is near the board.There are many books on the shelf.The desks and chairs are brown.There are many classmates in the classroom.They are reading books.

  My classroom is very nice and clean.I like my classroom.

英语作文 篇6

  I didn’t find anything strange about the condominium when I entered it. Rex, my ex-colleague, and I planed to move in this house, because it was not far away from where we worked. It was on McPherson road, where my company located only 2 miles away from it. And the rental was reasonable and acceptable to us. It was S$1500 per month for 3 rooms and a bathroom. A good deal, ah?

  The owners of this condo were an old couple. They didn’t talk much. After we formed the deal, they led us upstairs to see our rooms. It was sunny on the day, but sunshine could not reach into the corridor. So I could only see some weird incantations or something alike them pasted on the door of my room. I did not know they were incantations until one day Candice, my girlfriend in Singapore, told me the truth, because her mother was kind of a witch.

  I didn’t took it as a big deal cause I was not a idealist. I did not believe in ghosts. I do now, though. Besides, I believed I had done no guilty things in Singapore. What could a ghost do against a foreigner like me?

  Several months later, Candice’s mother told me that a girl had killed herself inside my room. So there might be some dirty things(the Southeastern people call ghosts dirty things) in there. ‘Well”, I said, “so what?” “I’m not sacred, and I will still live there”, I insisted. Candice, however, decided to live with me in that scary indeed room.

  I had never seen a ghost before in my entire life, so I was so curious that I actually wanted to see it/her or whatever you name it. Everything was quiet and smooth until one night, when I was deep inside my dreams, I was woke up by a noise, sounded as if it came from nowhere. It also sounded like a woman shouting out in a whispering way. Opened my eyes and woke up Candice, I turned to the window, because the noise was from there. I saw nothing! I have very good eyesight, but I saw nothing, no matter how big I tried to “enlarge” my eyes.

  The volume of the noise was raised higher and it sounded like a woman was murmuring to herself now. “What the hell is this”, I asked myself, still not believing in ghosts. “It’s her”, Candice replied. “She’s there on the wall”, Candice added. “What the…? Jesus Christ, How come I can’t see her?” I asked her. “Because you are not connected yet”, she explained. What does that supposed to mean to me? I asked. “She’s no harm to you”, Candice said. Ok, Cool, Excellent, Good,… I said to myself! That was fair enough!

  After careful consideration, I decided not to release some details here in the salon, in case I may arise public panic(hehe, kidding). I will, however, write another essay to further discuss with you guys about ghosts, zombies and vampires. I had the discussion with a friends named Sansanom before, though.

英语作文 篇7

  11th May Sunday Rainy

  Today is Mother’s Day. I love Mother so much that I’ve done many things for her.

  In the morning I bought many flowers with pocket money and put them in the vase. In the afternoon I went to the market to buy vegetables and cooked a simple but delicious dinner for my family. After supper, I gave Mother the card that I made myself and said “Happy Mother’s Day” to her. Then I told her to pay more attention to her health and not to overwork. I also promised to help her do some housework from today on. Hearing the words, Mother was moved to tears. Today is a special day, warm and meaningful.

英语作文 篇8

  yesterday afternoon,i happened to witness a terrible traffic accident on my way home from school。 it was 5:30 p。m。,i was riding my favorite giant back home。 when i got to the last crossing on the golden lion street,the red light was on。 so i applied the brakes,along with a long queue of vehicles waiting to pass。

  just at that moment,a heavy—load truck with earth roared forward at my side and bumped against a private accord of honda travelling eastbound。 as a result,the windshield of the lorry was broken into pieces and its driver got fatally wounded on the head on the steering wheel。 the driver of the accord and his girlfriend,the only passenger in the car,only got minor injuries,but his car lost its rear axel and two wheels and was totally dead。

  as for the cause of the accident,i think the driver of the lorry should be held responsible: the light was red then; he should have stopped and waited。 it was he who had broken the traffic regulations。 in addition,the bad weather was part of the cause。 it was drizzling then,and the road was quite slippery。 finally,drunk driving was probably an important factor。 as the police discovered on the spot,there was a heavy alcoholic smell on the dead body of the lorry driver。










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