
2021-08-08 其他类英语作文


家庭英语作文 篇1

  career or family: which is more important?

  when asked about their opinion of career and family, people always respond differently. some people deem it more important to pursue their career, while there are always other people who argue that family should be the number one in one’s life.

  it goes without any question that career plays a key role in our life. in the very first place, career can give us an aim to live on. without career, much of our living time will be certainly wasted. what’s more, career can provide us with a means to live on. most of the people earn their income from a job. on the other hand, family is also an indispensable part of life, as many people will admit. family is always regarded as a place where we can escape from troubles in life. in addition, we can obtain a sense of belonging to from family. without it, anyone will feel lonely and desperate. in my opinion, career and family are not in opposition to each other. rather, they can enhance each other so that one’s life can become better and better. therefore, it’s not a choice between right and wrong, but one between ideal and practical.

家庭英语作文 篇2

  Do you know what is the meaning of FAMILY?

  Here I will tell you.It means F father,A and,M mother,I love, you.

  Father and mother I love you.

  I have a happy family and my father is a teacher,my mother is a doctor.

  I love them very much.I have a happy family!

家庭英语作文 篇3


  Today is my father's birthday. My mother and I prepared the birthday dinner early. It can be said that everything is ready. It only owes my father. But when will Dongfeng dad come back? I really want to eat birthday cake! Seeing that it was an hour after work, my mother began to be a little fidgety, and she suddenly rushed to the phone. What medicine does Mom sell in the gourd? I picked up another receiver curiously: "my wife, I'm sorry. There's a party tonight. I can't go home for dinner."




  "What's the matter?"


  "I cut my hand with a kitchen knife just now. Bye!"


  "Hey, wait..."


  Why? Mom was reading a book just now! I thought about it and soon understood what was going on. I ran to my mother and asked in a strange way, "Mom, you've got your hand cut by a kitchen knife. Does it hurt?" My mother was stunned at first, then knocked on my head: "ghost thing, listen to my parents' phone again!" Then I whispered to me. I nodded repeatedly. Then I stood up and saluted: "yes, madam!"


  A quarter of an hour later, my father came back. As soon as I entered the door, I "described" my mother's severe injury. My father said a dozen "I'm sorry" to my mother. He carefully helped her to sit down on the sofa. He went to the kitchen to pick up the dishes and chopsticks. Maybe it's too sad for the gauze to wrap around your hand. My mother hid in the bathroom and wanted to take the gauze off, but this scene happened to be seen by my father. "My father shouted," well, you two women are cheating me on a big man! " My mother and I couldn't help but chuckle.


  Look at my parents. They are happy friends!

家庭英语作文 篇4

  home education, or home schooling, is a phenomenon which is both old and now。 it may seem to many like a strange idea, but years ago, it was the norm。 george washington and abraham lincoln both received their education at home。 and there is a growing trend for children to be educated at home。 an estimated two million american children, one source says, are taught in their own homes instead of going to regular schools。 the number of support groups, magazines and other resources for home-schooling families is also on the rise。 being comparatively rare cases in china, home schooling is repeatedly reported as an attractive and promising alternative。

  parents who decide to home-school are not without reasons。 many may worry about the quality of education at regular schools。 they want to tailor the education of their children to their intelligence and aptitude。 they prefer to choose the subjects on their own。 they also think caring parents make the best teachers。 studies show that many home-schooled children really do very well。

  proven benefits of home schooling are obvious。 but educating kids at home may not be the right choice for all families。 it may not be practical, and dose not constitute an important approach to children education。

  with computer aided education more and more available and effective, school education has advantages home education can never catch up with。 no family has resources which is adequate for modern education。 parents, althoug they are most caring, cannot be competent and qualified as trained teachers。 a most discouraging fact is that children taught at home and do not go out to schools will develop strange characteristics which will eventually hinder them when they go out to society。 they are sure to lack ability and skills to cope with various intricate relationships which cannot not be acquired through home education environment。 and they will end up as crippled。

  as the matter stands, home education is not so important as to deserve more merit than is already exaggerated。

家庭英语作文 篇5

  A picture is on my desk. This is a picture of Jim's family. The man is Jim's father. A woman is behind Jim. She is his mother. They are teachers. A girl is in the picture, too. She is Jim's sister. Her name is Kate Green. Jim and his sister are in the same school. But they aren't in the same grade. They look like their mother. They are English.

  在我的桌子上有一幅画。这是Jim的家庭照片。照片里的这个男人是Jim的父亲。有一个女人站在Jim背后。她是他的母亲。他们是老师。照片里还有一个女孩。她是Jim的妹妹。她的名字是Kate Green。Jim和他的妹妹在同一个学校。但他们并不在同一个年级。他们看起来像他们的母亲。他们是英国人。

家庭英语作文 篇6

  There are four people in my family,my parents,my bother and I.My family is pretty good.I’m really happy.My brother is shy and funny.He is good at sports and does well in volleyball.But he hates studying and his grades are bad.He like telling jokes.He always plays jokes on his friends and my family,and always makes us laugh.My father is a doctor.He works in a hospital of Sanya.He doesn’t like watching TV,but he likes reading newspaper and read it every night.My mother is a waitress.She works in a restaurant.She has good habits.She likes eating vegetables and drinking milk every day.But I don’t like milk.It is awful.She likes watching Beijing Opera at free time.She says it’s good for her to keep young and it can make her relaxed.My families are always doing what is best for me.They are always on my side.I love each person in my family.I love my sweet warm home.


家庭英语作文 篇7

  An interesting thing One day,my mother and I went to a park.We had a good time and we decided to have lunch in the park.My mother bought some milk and bread.My mother told me to wash my hands before lunch.However,when we came back,our bread was gone!We thought that someone took it.We are very angry.I thought that the thief would come back to take the milk.So,my mother and I hid behind a tree and waited.One hour later, no one came and we were very hungry.We gave up and we wanted to go home to have something to eat.Suddenly,I found something under the chair.Oh, it's our bread!










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