
2022-01-19 其他类英语作文


过年英语作文 篇1

  Hope, hope, the New Year is finally here.

  Today is the age of 30, people all wash the door clean, affixed with the red color red couplet, hang red yan yan's lantern. My dad moved a ladder, and it was in the doorway. I handed the couplets down, tore the tape, and then I put the couplets on. Then we hung up our lanterns. Standing at the door, the red color is full of the atmosphere of the Spring Festival.

  At seven o 'clock the meal was served, and there was an incident -- the electricity went off. To scratch my head "this big New Year's, stop what electricity!" I complained that my grandmother had brought two candles, or she could not eat the New Year's eve dinner. I took the bowl for everyone's food, and my mother said, "we had a 'candlelight dinner' today, and everyone laughed. "What a rich meal today! I said, "there are chickens, there are fish, there are four!" We drink, taste delicious, family reunion round, happy and happy over the year!

  After dinner, the family lit candles and sat in the room chatting. After a while, the electricity finally arrived, we quickly turn on the TV to watch the Spring Festival gala.

  It was nearly twelve o 'clock, and the impatient man had lit the firecracker, and the sound of firecrackers was popping up everywhere, and the sky was lit up.

  I picked up a large volume of firecrackers, which I had already prepared, and dragged my father out. We unpacked the package at the door.

  The New Year!

过年英语作文 篇2

  The Spring Festival is a national holiday.

  On that day, people often play firecrackers,hang lantern, affix Spring Festival couplets and New Year paintings,pay New Year’s call and eat Jiao-zi.

  For the children, the most exited thing is fetting their gift money.

  It is really a happy day.

过年英语作文 篇3

  Year thirty, firecrackers sounded, smiling face to spring, blessings begin。

  "Ha, ha。。。 For the new year, the new year。 " Listen to the outside do not know "worry" what the innocent children。 "Hello, is that you? Ah, the new year is coming, I wish you a happy new year, happy new year。" "Well, thank you, and wish you a happy new year。" Listen to the phone to convey the most loyal blessings between friends。 "Good, say good, tomorrow must come, our old friend gather together, intoxicated you in my house。" "What?" "Kazakhstan。。。" Listen to the long lost friend is going to have the Spring Festival to the festive crazy play, my heart is full of happiness and satisfaction。

  The family sit together, do not use too much language, do not have too much etiquette, only with one eye, a smile, to pass on love。

  Think of a few days before thirty years ago, all the families are busy, shopping, laundry, room cleaning。。。 It is to take away the past and meet the new beginning。 Although tired but can not hold the heart of joy, the face of some vicissitudes at this time is filled with the yearning for the future life。

  Falling leaves, wild geese flying south, wandering the end to go home。 Because home is always the heart of the people。

  Outside year round living parents to take us back to hometown。 Grandma and Grandpa were white haired but supported each other at the door。 The return of children brought a little happiness to the old man's face, less desolation, more happiness and less sadness, and more power in the new year。

  A family of people bless each other and talk about the life of the years。 "The soldier divides five ways", the situation is different。

  My mother is sitting at the side of the bed with her grandmother。 I care about my grandmother's health and tell the happy year of the year。 Grandma uses a kindly look, and warm hands will pass on love。

  Dad was sitting at the table at the table and chatting。 Talk about this year's harvest, talk about future plans, about the hometown of novelty, love in the wine room。

  And those of us nearly 20 year old girl, holding hands, watching TV, talk about their clothes, talk about their study and life, discussing the television shows。 Sisterhood is passed on in the invisible。

  The brothers set up a table that belonged to their own。 Oh, that drink, that scream, is really crazy, but no one is going to stop it because it's the way they make a deeper friendship。 Be crazy once a year。

  Games are the children's favorite。 A few children were surrounded。 You play it once, and I play it once。 From time to time did not forget to boast about, those naughty words have become the happy atmosphere of the flavoring agent。

  I am quiet and look at this scene, and my mind is full of happiness。 Love will not be diluted by time by distance。 Because consanguinity holds the family tightly, wherever it is, it will always be the parents' children。

  Sending short messages on mobile phones is an important tool for sending blessings。 You pass one, I send one。 Send blessing to all places, let the Spring Festival more a wonderful, friends will bless you, you will send a blessing to others, others will send their wishes to friends。。。 That will not be interrupted by distance。 A short message of a short message, a corner of the money will pass the invisible blessing, love light。

  My Spring Festival is simple and simple, although it is not vigorous but still shocked。 Because I know that love in the Spring Festival will not be diluted by time because of distance, and family will not become distant because of distance。 Friendship will not become strange because of distance。 I know what is precious。

过年英语作文 篇4

  Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have

  delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .

  The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .

  春节是中国最重要的节日。春节是庆祝日历上的农历新年。在春节到来的前一天晚上,家家户户要团聚在一起吃丰盛 的大餐。在很多地方的人们还喜欢燃放鞭炮。过年的最传统的主食莫过于水饺了。这是孩子们非常喜欢的节日,因为他们可以吃美食,穿新衣。当然他们还可以拿到 他们父母亲戚给的压岁钱。拿到钱的小朋友会交到好的运气。人们会把春联贴在墙上象征吉祥如意。


过年英语作文 篇5

  The new year is coming again. What do you want to have? What I want to do is to be a "long dragon".

  First of all, I want to dress: head tie two "ponytail, wearing a red shirt, red dress, red boots, wearing a white scarf, also wore a yellow and orange hat. 可以说我全身上下都喜洋洋的!

  Then, I will follow my parents and visit relatives, worship friends, and receive some "red bags". Think of these, I was unable to restrain the emotions to flow down slobber, hehe, I'm a real "little miser."!

  Next, I'm going to "blackmail" my mom and dad - a family go to KFC and eat a meal! I want to eat spicy chicken burger and spicy chicken wings, and COD, Shrimp balls, Nugget! Although I am fat, I am not afraid.

  After that, I decided to go shopping with my parents. The first way to go is the food area, then the clothing area, and finally to the book city. I want to buy a lot of books and lots of books in the book city. My father may be "bankrupt" again.

  I'll be very happy in the new year.







过年英语作文 篇6

  The long - looking year, dancing with joy, waved to us, and nodded to us in a cheerful little tone. The blink of an eye, the mountains floating blossoming white snow, just fell on the ground, soon after...... A string of red lanterns hanging in the gorgeous neon high streets and back lanes, lit the excitement of people's heart, have to go home to celebrate the new year. The naughty child rushed out of the house, carried colorful lanterns, and flew the joy of his heart. Adults laugh in the Spring Festival couplets, for the elders for a year, laughter in the crowd ripples, in the heart.

  The dazzling red clothes, the new clothes, were put on by people. People scampering to buy special purchases for the Spring Festival eating tasty, Steamed Rice, bloom heart the joy of reunion, the table filled with rich dishes, people eat in the mouth, sweet in the heart. A beautiful red, representing the people's wishes, spread through the numerous hills and streams, send thousands of households, people received a red envelope to smile, say a few words of Allah, send a few words of blessing, a hug. Hey, the children pull their parents' hands, accompany them to travel, feel the customs of the festivals everywhere.

  In the year, he ran in a small house in every household, and looked at the scene of the people's scene and laughed happily.

过年英语作文 篇7

  大家好 !前一段日子因为过年过节贪玩,而且有一段时间身体不好生病了,都把要写日记的事儿忘到九霄云外去了!不好意思!哈哈!好了,步入正题:

  hello everyone! A few days ago, because of the Chinese New Year holiday, and a period of ill health, we forgot to write a diary! sorry! Ha-ha! Now, let's get to the point:


  Today is the seventh day of the year. I'm in the villa just built in Dongsheng! I have lived here for seven or eight days. Since new year's Eve, I haven't been back to Shiqi's house. Our house is going to be a "hospital". My mother was ill since the second day of the new year. Then I was ill. Now it's my brother's turn to be ill. Because it's very close to the hospital, our family voted to stay there at night, which surprised me that they all agreed to stay here for a period of time.


  In the morning, my father, mother and brother are all gone. I guess I took my brother with a high fever to the hospital. I went downstairs, a bowl of white porridge was waiting for me. My grandparents had finished eating and were chatting with my aunt.


  I took a sip of boiled water, sat listlessly on the chair, and finished a bowl of porridge. Go to the wine stand, pull a chair and watch TV. At this time, the aunt came over and said that she had nothing to do but to braid for me, so I ignored her.


  When I finished watching TV, my aunt also tied up. As soon as I looked in the mirror, on the spot, "I fainted, and my aunt helped me to tie two high braids, and made up a twist! I'm so angry! My aunt asked me to give some comments. I left her two words: naive! (at that time, I also felt very impolite.)


  What happened at noon is not interesting. I'll tell you something interesting.


  In the afternoon, my mother asked me to accompany her to see a doctor (she also coughed a little). After seeing the doctor, on the way home, I passed a large shopping mall. I asked my mother to stop and walk in to buy the snacks my brother and I loved. Later, my father and I went to one and one and bought my brother's favorite bread, ready to go back to have a "big food party" with my brother.


  Back home, ah, too depressed, aunt said brother can not live here. Ah, I can only divide the delicious food into half and let my brother take it back.


  I was the only one who was eating and watching TV. Although the table is full of snacks and bread, but there is no one to accompany, this delicious desire disappeared in an instant.


  This is what just happened. It's very late now. It's time for me to go to bed! Bye-bye!












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