
2021-03-03 人物类英语作文


英语我的爸爸作文 篇1

  My mom and dad may not be the best, but love me; my mom and dad may not be the best, but in my heart is the most beautiful of the most handsome. Because one thing makes me know my mom and dad is the best. Do not lose someone else's mom and dad.

  I remember when I was four years old, I came back from the kindergarten, finished homework on the outside and the children play games ----- turn. I called my mother bought me a product of orange Shuang, is a glass bottle to do, I and the children turn when the halo, it fell to the ground, the glass bottle to scratch my face, out of a lot of blood Well, left a deep mark, when I touch my face, I am very sad, Mom and Dad also tears.

  Blink of an eye I was twelve years old, on the sixth grade.

  Now I read the sixth grade, see my mother and dad for my little early test is good, busy busy busy, almost every day I will flow a tear, my mother sitting on the sofa, I saw my mother's white hair and more; to the father of tea Daddy has lost a lot. See my mom and dad so worried about me, I have no reason not to learn, I have no reason in such a good environment do not seriously study, I have no reason not to listen to my mother's father. Mom and Dad do not have to worry about me, why do they worry about me, because I do not listen, do not study hard. So I went to junior high school, I must change their own, I want to become obedient, good learning good boy. Mom and Dad often say where it does not matter, as long as the attitude, hard to learn, so good test a good high school, so I should attitude to positive, good learning.

  Mom and Dad, so I am in junior high school, and I will become more sensible, I want for you, for me, for my grandfather grandmother, good study. Will not let you worry.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇2

  My father has small eyes,Wear a pair of glasses,looking more gently,the fatherdy's hair are not many, he said "the intelligent head does not grow hair",fatherdy does the management, but fatherdy usually ever not talk bureaucratically to others, therefore his personal connection is specially good,is the same as me.fatherdy speaks always extremely temperately,never say hit the person,curse at people are also few,calculated scolded people not to be big, although sometimes also can be angry for a longtime,but just only about one day,could no surpain one day-long.

  He usually educate me that the person must to be honestly,friendly to other,and working diligently.This is my father, I love him forever.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇3

  My father is busy all the time, he goes to work early in the morning and goes home after work very late. I am very curious about his work, so I ask my mother about it. My mother tells me that my dad is working in a company, he is a businessman and he needs to deal with his customers all the time. I am so proud of my father.



英语我的爸爸作文 篇4

  My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.What’s my mother jopIs she a teacherYes,you’re right!

  My mother is very kind and nice,she is thirty-seven.My mother is always laborious work.I love my parents! On Staurday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano,My father go to play basketball.Sometimes,we watch TV and listen to music at home.

  I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇5

  Dad grew up in a single parent family, perhaps this is not perfect family created his father's reticent character. Until there is me, my father will always have some smile.

  Perhaps the boy's heart and personality accounted for the upper hand, my father earnestly told me reason, I always disdain, turn a deaf ear, or severely refute a pass. In this regard, my father just silently smoking. I thought it was naive. Can learn no father's urging, the results naturally fell. At that moment, although my father did not hit me, but the death of the general silence, desperately smoking, my father greeted his face showing disappointment look. I am determined, must be in the study and life to achieve success, by praise. Let my father show a rare smile.

  Dad's smile is more out of my sensible. That day at noon to eat fish, my father was a big fish caught, rice balls, water, steamed bread swallowed, are of no avail. Cross here is painful, my father kept moaning. I am very worried. Home school at night, I still do not worry that hateful fishbone, even homework is also absent-minded. Dad a home, I asked: "Dad, the fish did not go down?" "Go on!" Dad smiled, it seems very satisfied. Then I went to the study to get the book, I heard my father kept saying: "I am very happy today, because the daughter said a concern!" I suddenly realized that I should often give my father more care, so that my father has Sweet love and happiness!

  Dad, your smile is an indispensable part of my growth. It makes me feel warm and happy. As your daughter, to see your white hair gradually increased, I must hard work, make achievements, so that your smile often!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇6

  My father has a pair of bright eyes and big eyes. He has beautiful glasses on his high nose. Not only that, my father is still a famous career fan, so he did something serious.

  Once, I went shopping with my mother on the street, but my mother wanted to go with my father, and he told me to go upstairs and call him. So I jumped up and down stairs and walked to the study. Unexpectedly, as soon as I called, I met with a rebuff. "What's the hurry?" Dad said impatiently. I surrendered my hope to my mother again. "Well, do you want to buy some daily necessities soon?" My mother does not want to fall behind. Look at dad again, but he disagrees, and continues to tinker with his computer. Finally, when my father finished the computer, the paragraph came to an end.

  Another time, as usual, my father got up early as usual, sitting in his study, reading with relish. I went up and asked, "Daddy, have you seen my teenage literature?" However, my father said with disapproval, "if I say you, I will not read my book well, I will not see it." My father said it in a bad mood. He looked at his book, and no matter what I said, he should not, perhaps too indulged.

  My father is like this, is a very enterprising person, is also a very fond of reading people, I love my father!





英语我的爸爸作文 篇7




  Today I was at the shopping mall and I spent a lot of time reading theFather’s Day cards。 They all had a special message that in some way or anotherreflected how I feel about you。 Yet as I selected and read, and selected andread again, it occurred to me that not a single card said what I really want tosay to you。


  You’ll soon be 84 years old, Dad, and you and I will have had 55 Father’sDays together。 I haven’t always been with you on Father’s Day nor have I beenwith you for all of your birthdays。 It wasn’t because I didn’t want to be withyou。 I’ve always been with you in my heart but sometimes life gets in theway。


  You know, Dad, there was a time when we were not only separated by thegeneration gap but completely polarized by it。 You stood on one side of theGreat Divide and I on the other, father and daughter split apart by age andexperience, opinions, hairstyles, cosmetics, clothing, curfews, music, and boys。


  The Father-Daughter Duel of ’54 shifted into high gear when you taught me todrive the old Dodge and I decided I would drive the ‘54 Chevy whether you likedit or not。 The police officer who escorted me home after you reported the Chevystolen late one evening was too young to understand father-daughter politics andtoo old to have much tolerance for a snotty 16 year old。 You were so decentabout it, Dad, and I think that was probably what made it the worst night of mylife。那时,


  Our relationship improved immensely when I married a man you liked, andthings really turned around when we begin making babies right and left。 Wedidn’t have a television set, you know, and we had to entertain ourselvessomehow。 I didn’t know what to expect of you and Mom as grandparents but Ididn’t have to wait long to find out。 Those babies adored you then just as theyadore you now。 When I see you with all your grandchildren, I know you’ve giventhem the finest gift a grandparent can give。 You’ve given themyourself。


  Somewhere along the line, the generation gap evaporated。 Age separates us nowand little else。 We agree on most everything, perhaps because we’ve learnedthere isn’t much worth disagreeing about。 However, I would like to mention thatfly fishing isn’t all you’ve cracked it up to be, Dad。 You can say what you wantabout wrist action and stance and blah, blah,blah


  I’ve been happily drifting for a lot of years, Dad, and I didn’t see yougetting older。


  I suppose I saw us and our relationship as aging together, rather like a finewine。 Numbers never seemed important。 But the oddest thing happened last week。 Iwas at a stop sign and I watched as you turned the corner in your car。 It didn’timmediately occur to me that it was you because the man driving looked soelderly and fragile behind the wheel of that huge car。 It was rather like a slapin the face delivered from out of nowhere。 Perhaps I saw your age for the firsttime that day。 Or maybe I saw myown。


  Fifty years ago this spring we planted kohlrabi together in a garden inCharles City, Iowa。I didn’t know then that I would remember that day for therest of my life。 This week, we’ll plant kohlrabi together again, perhaps for thelast time but I hope not。 I don’t understand why planting kohlrabi with you isso important to me but it is。 And the funny thing about it is, well, I don’tknow quite how to tell you this, DadI don’t even like kohlrabibut I likeplanting it withyou。


  I guess what I’m trying to say, Dad, is what every son and daughter wants tosay to their Dad today。 Honoring a Father on Father’s Day is about more than aDad who brings home a paycheck, shares a dinner table, and attends schoolfunctions, graduations, and weddings。 It isn’t even so much about kohlrabi, ’54Chevrolets, and fly-fishing。 It’s more about unconditionally loving children whoare snotty and stubborn, who know everything and won’t listen to anyone。 It’sabout respect and sharing and acceptance and tolerance and giving and taking。It’s about loving someone more than words can say,and it’s wishing that it neverhad to end。I love you,Dad。


英语我的爸爸作文 篇8

  My father is 37 years old, he has a pair of bright and piercing eyes, eyes there are some years left traces. Dad's hair is very short, he said it can be convenient to wash your hair. In my mind, he always wore the dirty clothes, two hands very rough, a look to know his work is very hard.

  You do not see him usually always laughing, in fact, I was very harsh. Dad said, do not ask me to test the first class, as long as the first few to enter the line on the line. I remember one time I careless, only test eighty points. On the way home from school, my heart like "fifteen bucket water - seven on eight". Back home, my father asked me how many points test, I scared not speak. Dad took me past, said to me: "I usually teach you how, how can you afford me, how worthy of working hard in the mother abroad?" Dad's words let me shed tears of pain.

  Although my father is harsh, but the heart is very hurt me.

  I remember once, my father took me to the park to play. After getting out of the car, I walked for a moment to feel a little tired. Dad seeing me busy said: "Lin Yu, I come back you walk it!" Then he squatted down, let me climb up his big back. I was lying on the back of my father very comfortable to touch his hair, in the sun's exposure, I saw the father's head has a silver-like hair like hair. My heart slightly dengkou a bit, thinking, how so fast father began to old? I secretly shed tears, and my heart silently said: "Dad, I must learn, grow up and reward your parenting!"

  In fact, my father's love for me far more than this little bit. My mother went abroad for three years, my father both when the father and when the mother, the tube I eat, drink, play ... ... Dad's hard is unspeakable.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇9

  My Father My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.










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