
2022-02-24 人物类英语作文


英语我的爸爸作文 篇1

  I have a good father, father's nose high, big eyes, short stature and thin, but my father can be handsome, my father is also very good, good heart.

  Every time I asked Dad to take me to where, Dad would take me there. Once, my father scolded me, because I played computer for five or six hours that day, and that day, how long I cried, dad did not comfort me, I knew Dad was for me, but I was very angry, after five or six days I apologized to my father. I said, "Dad was wrong on that day. I'm sorry." Dad said: "my daughter, Zhicuojiugai is a good child, not the same again, understand?" "Yes." Dad, I see.

  Since then, my father did not beat and scold me, this world I most love my father.

  I want to say to the children in the world: we must cherish our parents.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇2

  My father is a tall man with a pair of glasses. Everyone says he is a kind-hearted man. He often helps his neighbours and some strangers whom he doesnt know at all. He has really done a lot for others. I dont like him to do so because I think it has taken him too much time. When I discourage him, he always says with a smile,The world needs warm hearts. My father loves his family, and loves his work even better. In the company, he is called workaholic He spends most of his time working, and often forgets to have meals or to go to bed.As a result,he doesnt enjoy good health. My father likes reading in his spare time. He told me reading was very interesting. I became interested in reading little by little. I like books, because they help me in many ways. My father has a bad habit he likes smoking very much. I hate it. See, the house is full of smoke. I know its bad for his health as well as mothers and mine. I advise him to give up smoking. Im sure he will follow my advice some day. Such is my father. I am proud of having such a good father.

  我的爸爸 我的爸爸个子高高的,戴着一副眼镜。大家都说他是个好心肠的人。他经常帮邻居排忧解难,对于一些他压根不认识的陌生人,他也总是尽力相助。他为他人真是付出了许多许多。我不愿意他这么做,因为这花费了他太多的时间。每当我劝阻他时,爸爸总是笑着说:“世界需要热心肠嘛!” 爸爸热爱家庭,更注重事业,公司里的人都叫他“工作狂”。他把大局部时间都用于工作,为工作他经常废寝忘食。过度的劳累使他的健康状况欠佳。 爸爸闲暇时爱读书。他告诉我,读书很有趣。我渐渐地对读书发生了兴趣。我爱上了书,因为书对我协助很大。 爸爸有个坏习惯——太爱吸烟。我不喜欢他抽烟。瞧,家里充溢了烟味。我知道吸烟有害他的.健康,对我和妈妈也有害无益。我建议他戒烟。我相信总有一天他会这么做的。 这就是我的爸爸,我为有这样的好爸爸而自豪。

英语我的爸爸作文 篇3

  My father is a funny and strange father.

  Once I saw dad shaving his beard with a razor. I just walked into him. He took him with his beard. I felt very painful. I threw my dad off and said, "your beard is too long to be a broom, and not shave."

  Another time, while I was sleeping, I picked up a razor to shave off his beard. When I was just half shaved, my sleeping dad suddenly got up. He opened his eyes and asked, "what do you do with a razor?" Ah! I see. You want to shave off my beard. Dad's voice dropped, and I threw the razor under the bed. Dad said, "beard is my baby. You want to shave it off. There's no door." A few days later, Dad's beard grew again.

  After the above two things, I have compiled a poem specially for my father: "Ironweed, one year old coorong. As a razor, and a long day."

英语我的爸爸作文 篇4

  Today, let me talk about my dad!

  My father is tall, fat, round and round, and more drums and tummy. I like to lie on my father's belly. With his breath, my belly drums up and down. I lie on it as if sitting on the jump bed. In winter, no matter the weather and the cold, as long as my father holds me, I can feel the warm temperature of my father, just like there's a one. The stove around me, good comfortable ah!

  My father likes computer very much, is the "computer king" in the unit, no matter whose home computer appears problem, as long as dad is a horse, no can't solve it, dad taught me to learn computer when I was very young, I learned to type, surf the Internet, chat QQ, play games, etc.

  My father doesn't love sports, so fat. My father snores when he goes to bed. He snore over the room and across the wall and into my ears, just like a bomber running bombs. At this time, I covered my ears with my hands, and I kept complaining in my heart: This voice is awful.

  Though Dad has many shortcomings, I still like my fat dad.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇5

  I have the best father in the world. His name is Ivan.

  My dad has black, short hair as the rain clouds, that you have never seen before. Some times I think his hair make him look like a chicken! His big, brown eyes are always looking at books, that’s why he is very clever. He works very hard at his job. He always sleep at one or two clock at night. In that time I’m in the land of dreams. He has a big mouth, he eats a lot. He is very strong. My father likes wearing T-shirt and jeans, that made him looked more strong and tall.

  When he has noting to do, he will play with me, when he plays with me, he will be a kid like me. We play basketball and run. I always win, I know that my dad is very good at basketball and running, but why I still win? Who can tell me? My dad is very good at sport. At the summer holiday he and me always go to the swimming pool and teach me swimming. First I was so scared and don’t want to swim! Dad talks to me, swim is very easy. I know that I need to believe him, so I do it. After a holiday I learn how to swim! I’m so happy!

  My father is a teacher at school and home. He teaches me maths and English even when he is very, very busy. When I don’t anything, he is will came and tell me. He also teaches me on maths that I haven’t learn it yet. He makes me like learn the fun maths and the great English. Before that he didn’t teach me at all, I thought maths and English were boring things that I never want to do. So I didn’t finish my homework and be lazy. But when dad talks to me about this, I have change my idea. I never think English and math is boring anymore. Now I always finish my homework and do more about math and English. My teacher was very pleased to see that, so was me. But first I need to thank you my father, if isn’t him teaching me, I still would be lazy Cicily all the time.

  My father is very good at cooking, like my mother. He always made yummy food for me. I love eating his food me. I love eating his food that he made. His food made me tall and strong.

  My dad is also very good at computer too. At the weekend, if we do go out, then me and him will both play computer together. He tell me about computer’s information.

  My father is a nice people. He is very kind and friendly to everyone, people that he even doesn’t know. Once, me and father go to shopping, we saw a boy hurt himself and cry by the shop door. Dad went to the boy and told him jokes, the boy stopped crying and smiled. Then he come to me said: “you really have a good father!”

  My father also is funny person. He always tells me jokes at night when I go to bed. That make me feel happy and have a good dream at night.

  I think my father is the best father in the world, he clever, he strong, he funny……

  Ilove my dad!

英语我的爸爸作文 篇6

  My father is a handsome man . He has short black hair and big eyes.he's very smart.My dad is very fun.He likes playing basketball.

  My father also likes listening to music and watching TV. he works very hard.

  My father thinks healthy food is good for our health.

  So we eat apples every day. We don't eat French fries. We often eat vegetables,fruits and fish.he loves me.

英语我的爸爸作文 篇7

  I have a good dad. He doesn’t drink or smoke. He usually cooks delicious food for me. But he has a defect, which he is often careless.

  One day, he was going to Shanghai in the morning. He must get there at 9 o’clock. So he got up earlier than usual. At 6:30, he drove to Shanghai. But 10 minutes later, he went back home. My mum was surprised. She asked, “What’s wrong with you?” My dad said. “I’ve left my bag at home. Have you seen it?” Mum handed the bag to him. Then he hurried to go downstairs. Ten seconds later, he knocked at the door again. My mum opened the door and said angrily, “Why do you come back again? Do you know what the time is now? You’ll be late!” My dad touched his head and said with a smile, “I’m sorry. I left my keys on the table.” Luckily, he arrived in Shanghai on time.

  When I was doing my homework, Mum shouted, “Oh, my god! Your dad’s computer is still on the desk!” Then, a call from Dad rang.

  My dad is very careless, isn’t he?

英语我的爸爸作文 篇8

  My father is a man of devotion. Every morning he gets up the earliest to make breakfast for us. In the evening, he is always the late to come back home.

  At weekends, he always takes us to go outing in his car. He is a man of few words, but he often says to me “A little learning is a dangerous thing”. I will always remember these words.

  I love my father very much.












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