
2021-03-02 三年级英语作文


三年级英语作文 篇1

  Today is Sunday.I get up early.Because I play sports.I wear my T-shirt and my skirt.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Lucy.We are happy.After that,we eat breakfast .I like drinking milk but she likes drinking juice.At 10:00,I play the piano.Then I eat lunch at 2:30. I will go to school to study English. After that,I will go home and eat dinner.Then I will go to bed.

  This is my day. Do you like it?




三年级英语作文 篇2

  It was Christmas Day yesterday. I had a good time with my friends. We had a Christmas Party at school. We sang many Christmas songs and told some Christmas stories. We knew after Christmas the New Year was coming. So we said Happy New Year to each other. We made up our mind that we would study hard to make great progress in the coming year.

三年级英语作文 篇3

  My Summer Vacation(约74字)

  This is my summer vacation. I intend to finish the operation. Then, take a look at China's famous novel. Look at some day. Of course, also want to play with the computer, watch TV. Early every morning to get up and running to run, do other sports. But it is conducive to our body! But one thing should not be forgotten. must help parents do the housework! My holiday arrangements like? something good? give suggestions?

三年级英语作文 篇4

  there are some pandas in the zoo. they look like a bear, but they are not a bear. they live in china. they have a small tail and fat body. they are black and white. they’re very clumsy, but they can climb trees. they like to eat bamboo very much. look! the baby panda is under the mother panda, they are sleeping. they look very lovely. pandas are my favourite animals.

三年级英语作文 篇5

  Do you think what is the most important in your life?Maybe some answers are dreams.I may directly answer “lovers”.你认为你的生活中最重要的是什么?也许有些人的答案是梦想。我可以坦率地回答“爱人”。

  In my opinion, lovers not simply mean your partner of life, but the people you love: your parents, husband or wife, children and friends.I have a happy life because of their company.I even can’t imagine the life without them.在我看来,爱人不仅仅指你的生活伴侣,而是你所爱的人:你的父母,丈夫或妻子,孩子和朋友。我拥有幸福的生活,因为有他们的陪伴。我甚至无法想象没有他们的生活。

  My mum told me” money is not as important as you think, you needn't think too highly of it.Don’t be greedy, my girl.”I got it.Person around us is the most important.If they are unhappy, you won’t be happy.There is many beautiful scenery in our life, however, the most important thing we should notice is that, without the people we love, they worth nothing.我妈妈告诉我,“钱不是像你想像中的那么重要,你不要把它看得太重要。不要贪心,我的女孩。“我记住了。我们身边的人是最重要的。如果他们不开心,你也会不开心。在我们的`生活中有很多美丽的风景,但是我们应该注意到最重要的是没有我们所爱的人,那些东西就是毫无价值。

  In reality, many people are chasing wealth which results to the ignorance of people around them.Obviously, it's not a brilliant choice.Don’t’ be controlled by wealth or money.About life , this is my idea, what’s about yours?在现实中,许多人因追逐财富而忽略了身边的人。很显然的,这不是明智的选择。不要被财富或金钱控制。这就是我对生活的看法,你的呢?

三年级英语作文 篇6

  i have many cousins. i like stella best. she is a pretty girl. she likes eating cucumbers , eggplants, cabbages… she doesn’t like eating eggs and milk. so she is very short.

  stella is an excellent student . she is the monitor of her class. she likes studying and she studies very hard. so she is always the top student in her class.in this summer holiday , i spent a very happy time with her in sichuan . i often miss her very much.

  i like my cousin best!

三年级英语作文 篇7

  There are many traditional festivals in China. For example, Mid-Autumn festival, double ninth festival, New Year, qingming festival...

  Today I'd like to introduce the New Year to you. The New Year has a legend. Once upon a time, there was a monster called nian. It often broke into the village. People were very upset. One day a fairy came to the mountain and said, "there are two weaknesses in the year. It fears red. It's afraid of ringing." "The fairy said and went away. That day, "year" came again, people beat gong drum, still put the blessing word on the door. You scare nian away. From then on, nian never came down again.

  The custom of Spring Festival has a blessing. The most joyful thing for children is to pay a New Year to their parents, and they can get a lot of lucky money.

  Our family's New Year is a reunion dinner, setting off firecrackers. Mother is responsible for cutting vegetables and washing dishes. Grandma cooks and cooks. The meal was not ready yet, and my stomach was singing the empty city. "Upstairs! Grandma said. Before the grandmother came up, I picked up the chopsticks and ate a dumpling. My mother said, "a hungry cat." I thought: the year before last I had a meal, and the good in the back couldn't eat. So I don't eat, wait for the dishes all, I just eat, I this call eat a pit, changzhi.

  Father will take me to set off firecrackers, I jump three feet high, ready to firecracker, go to set off firecrackers, I put the call "the sky monkey", the dark sky is illuminated by my firecracker.

  I believe that the Chinese tradition will carry forward.

三年级英语作文 篇8

  There are four seasons in a year.

  Spring is a delightful season. Many flowers bloom. The weather is always warm and rainy.We play on the

  green grass.The ski is blue. The cloudare white. And we can put on good sweater. I’m so happy. Beause the

  chilren can fly kites. And flowers have bright colors,too.I like spring very much.

  Summer is my favourite season. Because in summer we have summer vacation.In the summer vacation we can go to the beach and swim a long time. At home we use air-conditioner and eat very sweet and forzen ice-cream. Summer is so cool. The weather is hot and sunny. The sun is shiny. Summer is very super.

  In fall we can see farmers are busy. The air is clean. The Halloween and Thanksgiving are in fall. And leaves are colourful. It is suitable for going hiking. I like fall so much.

  Winter is too clod for me. We put on coat and gloves.But we are happy. Because we can make a snowman. And it is beautiful.

三年级英语作文 篇9


  这次英语戏剧节的内容比较丰富,有二(1)班的《fashion show》、二(3)班的《snow white and the seven dwarfs》、二(5)班的《the enormous turnip》……看,随着《江南style》音乐的响起,二(2)班的舞蹈小达人闪亮登场了。他们踩着欢快的节奏,在舞台上尽情地挥洒他们的舞姿。接下来是时装小达人,他们穿着自己喜欢的衣服,在t台上秀他们的风采。英语戏剧节在二(5)班有趣的舞台剧中圆满地结束。












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