
2021-05-10 三年级英语作文


三年级英语作文 篇1

  Hi. My friends. I’m going to have a busy weekend!

  On Saturday, I’m going to the supermarket by subway. I’m going to buy some bread and chocolates. Then, I’m going to go home and watch TV.

  On Sunday, I’m going to visit my grandparents with my mother. We’re going after lunch. Then, in the evening, I’m going to the park with my sister. That will be fun! What about you?What are you going to do on the weekend?

三年级英语作文 篇2

  Recently for a period of time, always foggy weather, rose up in the morning, the beautiful scenery around would become very fuzzy, the news has been reported on the fog haze weather appeared frequently and brought serious consequences, the fog haze weather has seriously affected the air quality, affect people's normal life.

  In recent years, the haze weather not only seriously affected the quality of the air, but also easy to cause the main source of diseases such as asthma. Haze weather, the air in the contains some tiny particles of dust, these tiny particles is we can't see with the naked eye. These tiny particles is enough to make people have lung disease. They are, can be called is invisible killer. So, what exactly is a haze weather caused by what? Haze weather is really made from vehicle tail, the cooking of the lampblack, and smoking of tobacco, fireworks smoke formation, causing the haze weather.

  Don't say fog weather is killer, not to mention the fog haze weather very terrible, in fact, the real murderer or we humans, is don't know how to protect the environment, human is human to destroy their homes, therefore cause haze weather, these are human take the consequences.

  , of course, the present situation cannot be redeemed, we still can prevent fog haze weather. We can change the car to ride a bike; Can not stir-fried vegetables, stew; Can quit smoking or can finish smoking tobacco cigarette butts into the trash; Can put less fireworks; Also can plant more trees and flowers, to purify the environment. Only choose low carbon life, we can prevent the occurrence of haze weather. Sometimes, I really hope that the car is not smelly fumes, which come out of but a faint fragrance, spit out the chimney is not thick black smoke, the glittering and translucent dewdrop, instead. I wish our home can become more green trees, flowers and more red, a bird singing more beautiful, more elegant.

  I believe, only if we take action, starts from oneself, our dream will become a reality, let us work together to protect the environment, protect our homes, let haze weather no longer harm human, make our home more beautiful.






三年级英语作文 篇3

  I’m going to have a busy weekend! On Saturday, I’m going visit my friends by car. Because I haven’t seen them for a long time. Then, I’m going to the bookstore on foot. I’m going to read lots of books there. On Sunday morning, I’m going to go for a walk. Then, in the afternoon, I’m going to go shopping with my mother. Then, in the evening, we are going to watch TV together. That will be fun! What about you? What are you going to do on the weekend?

三年级英语作文 篇4

  Hello, I am Erika. My birthday is in winter. It’s cold. But I am happy, because I can play with snow. I like skating and making a snowman. It’s a good time for winter sports. On my birthday, I can get lots of birthday presents and My parents often take me to the ice rink. We always have a good time. I am happy on my birthday.



三年级英语作文 篇5

  父亲节(My father's day)

  My father is very busy. Every day he goes to work by subway. He teaches math at school, His math is very good! In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he reads newspapers. Then he goes home at 5:30. He eats dinner. Then, he takes a bath in the evening. He watches TV at living room. After watching TV, he goes to bed at 10:00.

  My father works hard. I like my father very much!




三年级英语作文 篇6

  Nowadays, people are busy with their work, they have less time to rest. Most people wake up early in the morning and then go to work all day. When they go home after work, they feel tired and sleep soon. People make themselves busy all the day, they have no time to enjoy life, now it is the time to take your time and enjoy the beautiful scenery around you.


三年级英语作文 篇7

  I have a lovely little dog named Dion. He looks pretty with short legs, big ears and short tail. He is my good friend and he is also easy to take care of. I walk him at least twice a day, feed him and spend time with him. He also gives his love to me in return. He is always there to lick me and lie on me. I like playing with him. I think he can tell when I am happy, sad, angry or touble. Sometimes he can be noisy and run around the room.

  In a word, he is not only my dog, but also my friend.



三年级英语作文 篇8

  A lot of students in our school run to the faucet as soon as they are in class. They open the faucet and then throw water into the water. When they go, they do not turn off the faucet, and they run away quickly.

  I used to do such a "stupid" thing.

  When I was young, mom and Dad were not at home in the evenings. I was scared at home alone, and I ran to the bathroom to play with water. When the water is finished, put the faucet there without turning it off. On the second morning, all the water was on the ground. Mom and dad put all the water on the ground and the mop and rag all off. Just wanted to sit on the sofa and rest on the couch. I felt bored again, and then opened the faucet. When I didn't want to play, I sat on the sofa and saw the cartoon, and the faucet was not turned off. The longer the water is opened, the more water will be paid.

  When mom and dad came home, they told me not to play with water again. Playing with water was a great hazard to the country. Since then I have not been playing with water again.

  Later, every time I wash the dishes and wash my face, I think, "I can't waste water and waste water. It's great harm to the country. I can't harm the motherland!"

三年级英语作文 篇9

  I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk.

  A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It‘s cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall.












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