
2021-08-17 三年级英语作文


三年级的英语作文 篇1

  Hello,my name is Thomas.I am nine.I am a boy.I like to run and swim.I don’t like to sing and dance.I like to eat chicken wing,l can make it.Every Sunday,I go to park with my father and my mother.

  I like to fly the kite.Blue sky is very nice.I like summer and winter.In summer,I can eat ice cream.I can swim.In winter,I can play with the snow.

  Come on,Let’s be freinds.

三年级的英语作文 篇2

  I got up early this morning. I cleaned my room. I opened the window and aired the room. I picked up the paper and swept the floor. Then I made the bed.


  I played computer games. We had lunch at 12:00. We had fish for lunch.


  After lunch we went to the park. In the evening I did my homework. We had deliciousfood for supper.


  I was very happy today.


三年级的英语作文 篇3


  Autumn is coming, the leaves of the creeper have turned purple red, the leaves of the maple have turned red, the red maple leaves are like a stamp, floating and floating, the cool autumn is coming.


  Sister Qiu whistled, and the fruit dolls came. Look, the banana rowed the curved boat, the persimmon and orange carried the red lantern, and the pomegranate ran all the way to the end with a smile and a grin! Apple is shy little girl running all over the body fever, red face son silent! And the grapefruit must have come in time for the night. It's covered with the golden color of the moon!


  Ah! Pictures of autumn! It's always in my heart!

三年级的英语作文 篇4

  My name is WangLei . My birthday is on August 11. We have a good birthday party. My mother makes a birthday cake for me. It’s big and tasty. My father give me a football. Because I like playing football. Many friends come to my home .We are very happy.

  They give me a lot of presents and some birthday cards. We sing and dance. We eat food and fruit. We play games together. We have a good time.

三年级的英语作文 篇5

  My school is in quanzhou city, zhongshan north road, facing the zhongshan park.

  The gate of our school is made up of columns and three size iron gate, pillars also write: "quanzhou city experimental primary school" several golden Chinese characters.

  Entered the gate, you can see many colourful flowers and plants, and cactus. Campus there are a few higher than office also big banyan tree, like a few big umbrella.

  On the right side of the gate have a playground, move the court has four runways, there is a piece of green in the middle of the runway in the field, is paved with plastic, like a piece of green lawn. Stadium with a variety of sports equipment.

  Through the school's main, see the left is the office building of the school. Office building has a lot of window, be under the sun, to bright light. Outside the office building of the wall still hang a is greater than the blackboard screen, the screen often play some news and a variety of programs.

  By building a bridge, can walk into the building. Our teaching building has five floors, my classroom is on the second floor. In front of the building is a playground, the playground is a public bar around the tree, there are two basketball board, and the stone table

  Bench, there is a small fountain, out of the water like a string of transparent beads.

  Follow the school's main straight on the road ahead, you can come to the playground after school. After the playground there is a basketball court, there are many ping pong table. Yes, we are there beside the playground after a lab building, where I also studied Chinese calligraphy! Our school has a characteristic, office building, classroom building and lab building bridge together.

  My school is so beautiful, I like my school!










三年级的英语作文 篇6





  她和我们说话总是笑眯眯的,没有一点老师的架子,还允许我们直呼她的名字,她还经常和我们聊天,帮我们解决问题,聊天时,也不怕说自己的糗事。就说这一次吧!我在做卢老师布置的《金牌学练考》时,遇上了“拦路虎”。我左想右想,怎么也想不出来,急得我抓耳挠腮。就在这时,我想到了赵老师,于是,我带着它去找赵老师。赵老师看了题目后,亲切地说:“‘tom和jim ’是人名,‘tom’是汤姆,‘jim’是杰瑞,‘and’是和的意思,那么‘very are funng ’是什么意思呢?”“是非常风趣的意思”。“对!你很聪明!那么这句话的意思是什么呢?”“是汤姆和杰瑞非常风趣的意思”!通过赵老师的循循善诱,我终于解决了“拦路虎”。

  还有一次,我和赵老师在QQ里聊天。她指出了我的缺陷,并不时的鼓励我,还风趣的让 让我考过国家六级请她吃饭,并耐心的告诉我怎么“戒电视” ,她说道“我以前玩电脑可是高手。有一天,我为了玩电脑,用棉被把门堵住,把窗户堵住,这样就没有光亮了,大人就以为你睡了。然后我就玩了一整夜,第二天听见有声音,赶紧睡了,然后没去上班。睡到下午5点,我爸来叫我,我还说天还没亮呢。”她还让我注意休息,合理安排上网时间。看了赵老师的这些话,我心里暖乎乎的,越来越喜欢她了。




三年级的英语作文 篇7

  Yesterday was May 20th. It was my birthday. My father bought me a beautiful dress and my mother cooked delicious dishes. My parents hold a birthday party for me.


  I invited five friends to come to my home. They brought many interesting gifts to me. I like the gifts very much. We ate the birthday cake and some snacks.


  Besides, we also played some games to have fun. I was happy yesterday. I loved my parents and friends.


三年级的英语作文 篇8

  I’m a student and I am in Grade 5.I get up at six o’clock every day. I have breakfast at half past six, and go to school at seven o’clock. I have classes from Monday to Saturday. I have an English class on Friday and I have a PE class on Tuesday. I don’t have to go to school on school, and I like to go swimming on that day.

三年级的英语作文 篇9














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