
2022-02-05 三年级英语作文


三年级的英语作文300字 篇1

  I had a joyful summer vacation. During the holidays, I traveled with my families.


  We went to Beijing and stayed there for four days. We lived in the hotel. It is very beautiful. We visited to the Tiananmen Square, the Imperial Palace, the Summer Palace and the Old Summer Palace.


  We also went to the Great Wall. The weather was very hot, but we were exciting. I like Beijing very much. I hope I can go there again.


三年级的英语作文300字 篇2

  Last week,i did many things,and i'm so busy .On monday,i did a survy of student's hobby.On Tuesday,i visited my grandmother's house and did some chores.On Wednesday,i washed my clothes and studied for my next's text,On Thursday,i went shopping with my mother,and i bpught a beautiful dog for me,that made me feel very happy!On Friday,i played soccer with my good friends.And on weekend,i went to mountains,and i saw many beautiful sights on my way to the mountain.This is my week,a busy but happy week,isn't is?

三年级的英语作文300字 篇3

  My best friend is very beautiful.She has long staight hair.She is tall and thin.She doesn't like others girl.She likes wearing jeans best.I never look her wearing dresses and high-heeled shoes.We know when we in the senior middle school.We are all like to go to the movies and listen to muisc.We go shopping together when we have the time.

  That's my best friend!



三年级的英语作文300字 篇4

  hi! good friends. my name is susie. i’m ten years old. this is my pet. it’s a turtle. he is also ten years old. his name is sandwich. he eats ten small fishes every day .

  look at him! he has a beautiful shell and two small eyes. he also has a long tail.

  now my turtle wants to have a little sister. they can play, sleep and walk together. now, mr sandwich, please reach out your hand and say “bye-bye.” my friends,please call me. my telephone number is one two three four five.

三年级的英语作文300字 篇5





三年级的英语作文300字 篇6


  我的英语一直不好,每次最怕的就是背单词、背课文,可是偏偏英语老师要求每个人接龙背课文。这不,又要轮到我背英语课文了。当前面的同学正在背诵的时候,我的心里就像是揣着一只兔子一样,它不停地在乱蹦乱跳。我丝毫没有心思去听他背得对不对,只是翻着书看着自己应该背诵的部分,嘴里念叨着,但是脑袋却空空的,根本不知道自己在念些什么,大脑如同死机了一样,不存入任何信息。我紧张极了。“李晓明接着背诵。”老师叫着我的名字,我磨磨蹭蹭地站了起来,脑子里只记得第一句,不出意料,第一句背完之后就再也挤不出一个单词了。我的双手紧握着书本,手心里满是汗水。“This is......”同桌也着急了起来,他将头贴近桌面,小声地提醒着我,可是我只听得清一两个单词,此刻我恨不得自己能有双千里眼,可以看到前面同学的课本。“李晓明,先坐下,课后来我这背诵全文。”老师似乎看透了我完全没记住课文,虽然叫我坐下了,可是却给了我一个几乎不可能完成的任务。我如坐针毡地听完了一节课,脑袋嗡嗡响。


三年级的英语作文300字 篇7

  My Day

  Today is Sunday.I get up early.Because I play sports.I wear my T-shirt and my skirt.Then I go to the playground to play ping-pong with Lucy.We are happy.After that,we eat breakfast .I like drinking milk but she likes drinking juice.At 10:00,I play the piano.Then I eat lunch at 2:30. I will go to school to study English. After that,I will go home and eat dinner.Then I will go to bed.

  This is my day. Do you like it?












三年级英语课作文 三年级的英语作文300字