
2017-09-04 三年级英语作文

  坚强的意志 The Strong Will

  In order to improve our English, my friend and I decide to wake up early and practice our spoken English. At first, I am so excited, I wake up before 7 o’clock, but a week passes, I find it is hard for me to wake up so early, now I have given up. I know I will give up so easily, I must have the strong will. So from now on, I need to get up early.


  淘气的我 The Naughty Me

  My mother says that I am a trouble maker, because I always make things become worse. I am a naughty girl, I like to challenge my mother’s words. But as I grow up, I recognize that I do the wrong thing, I should listen to my parents’ words. Now I am not that naughty, I will help my mother to do the housework.


  人山人海 The Crowded People

  In the first day of this year, I wake up early in the morning, I am so excited that I have a lot of plans. I go out to find my friends, then we go to the street, but there are so many people, we barely to move on. We change our plan, we go to the park, still a lot of people there. The first day is really lively, all the people go out for fun.

  在新年的第一天,我早上起得很早,我很兴奋,因为我有很多计划。我走出去找朋友,我们去了街上,但是有很多人,我们几乎无法前进。我们改变了计划,去到公园,仍然有很多人 在那里。第一天确实很热闹,所有的人都出来寻找乐子。

  真正的朋友 The True Friend

  I like to make friends so much, because I want to know more about the new things, making friends can broaden my knowledge. But the true friend is really hard to make. A true friend can say whatever he wants to say, he dares to point out my weakness and helps me to make progress. Though the words are not nice but are good for me, I want to make the true friend.


  与雨共舞 Dance With the Rain

  When the summer comes, the weather is so hot, it is rarely to see the rain. Today, when I wake up, I find the weather is chilly, it is going to rain. I am so happy, I miss the rain so much. Suddenly, the rain drops from the sky, I ran out of the house, looking at the sky, dancing with the rain. I feel so cool, then all my weariness has gone.


  给弟弟的礼物 The Gift I Gave to My Brother

  Last night, my brother had his five-year old birthday, I was so excited, because I prepared the gift for him. It was a watch, there was a cartoon character in it. I knew my brother wanted a watch all the time, so I wanted to give him the surprise. When he saw my gift, he was so happy and thanked me. I am so happy that he likes it.







5. 小学生英语日记:模范学生





一节英语课三年级作文 我的英语老师三年级作文