
2021-04-16 五年级英语作文


五年级英语作文 篇1


  今天下午要上英语课时,老师在黑板上写了一组英语单词是“raining cat sand dogs”,让我们讲一讲它的意思。我低下头思索着:cats,dogs是“猫”和“狗”的复数形式,表示“许多猫”和“许多狗”,raining是“雨”的意思。合起来是什么呢?我正在冥思苦想,有同学举起说说:“天上掉下来很多猫和狗。”顿时教室里的同学们哄堂大笑起来,互相交头接耳,都在讨论这个词语的意思,最后还是老师解开了谜团。老师说:“同学们英语学得还可以,记住了每个单词的含义。”这几个单词合起来的意思是倾盆大雨。英语和汉语一样,一些单词和单词组合起来有特殊的含义、固定的用法,就像汉语的成语、谚语似的。刚才老师说的这几个单词合起来,就不是单个儿的意思了,而是“倾盆大雨”的意思。



五年级英语作文 篇2

  Xiao Ming and his children are playing near the water station on Sunday.

  "Clatter," an old woman in slippers came and hit a bucket of water, but because he did not turn off the faucet, the water inside the faucet dripped and missed.

  Xiao gang saw, hurried far, afraid of being mistaken for being mistaken for a good faucet. Xiao Mei saw it, moved without moving, and talked about the small ring next to it. As we saw it, the palms were plucked. Xiao Ming came over and said, "save water!" Everyone listened, ashamed and bowed his head. He said with one voice: "we must save water!"

  On Monday, the children said to the teacher about this, and the teacher said to the children, "children, we must learn from Xiao Ming in the future." Everyone recognized his mistake and broke into applause. Xiao Ming said to everyone, "save water and start with us!" "Uproar" is another applause.

五年级英语作文 篇3

  My holiday was very interesting. I did my homework on first day. I played tennis on second day. I watch TV on the third day. I went to shopping on the fourth day. ?I ..... but i like going shopping...

五年级英语作文 篇4






五年级英语作文 篇5

  The line graph shows the percentage of males and females who have records at different ages ,the pie chart indicates the percentage of males and females in prison in the UK in 20xx.

  Acorrding to the ling chart ,the rate of males rise sharply from 10 ages to 20ages and reaches its highest point at 20 ages about 10%,with a gentl decline during the rest ages until 60 ages .For femals,the rate changed gradually and reached its top at nearly 20 ages about 2%,and then droped slightly. It should be noted that people from 10 to 20 are the largest numbers that who have criminal records,and it interesing to be noted that the number of males are larger than that of females.

  As can be seen in the pie chart,the proprotion of men is much larger than that of women,which account for 96%,while the females are 4%.

  Obviously,the comparison show that men tend to break the law than women.

五年级英语作文 篇6

  His gray hair, kind face, wearing clean clothes. We all like to play games and Mr Wu. He often helps us lead pencil, when class was over, we always put the cup and clothes to his custody. He careful watch us play in the playground. On one occasion, a student teacher to teacher wu, a big, red apple. Give it to Mr Wu to eat, staring at the apple, the fat kid in our class. Looking at she exhaled a book and eating an apple, Mr Wu laughed.

五年级英语作文 篇7





五年级英语作文 篇8

  My name is Wang Qiuyun. I'm a student. I'm busy this week. On Monday I do homework. And on Tuesday I wash my clothes. On Wednesday I listen to music.

  On Thursday I draw pictures.

  On Friday I play computer games.On Saturday I draw cartoons. On Sunday I read books. I like draw pictures very much.

五年级英语作文 篇9

  Hello,everyone! Today I want to talk about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father,my mother,my brother,and I.My father‘s work is an English teacher.He works at No.1 Primary School . Look!This is my mother.She is a manage.My brother is a student.I like my family!










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