五年级英语作文we caught butterflies

2017-09-30 五年级英语作文

  Its a sunny day. My companions and I have promised to catch butterflies in Fushan Park. We laughed and cried on the way to the park. When we arrived at Fushan Park, we ran to the flower beds quickly. Wow! So many flowers are on the flower beds. They came out beautifully. How nice! Look! Many butterflies were crazy about the flowers. They were dancing and flying on the flowers happily.

  As we enjoyed the scenery, we began to catch the butterflies. I saw a butterfly on a flower. I stretch out my hands quietly. A butterfly was in my hands. Oh! It tickled me. My companions also exuded the intermittent laughter. It seems they are happy too.

  Unconscious one afternoon passed. Our faces were hanging bright smiling. That afternoon we caught butterflies, we also caught the happiness at the same time.

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