
2021-06-01 小学英语作文


小学生英语作文 篇1

  In Chinese old days, people’s marriage were decided by their parents, so most couples haven’t met before they got married, as the development of the society, people ask for their freedom and rights to choose their lovers. So today, people can choose their own lovers at their wills, but the divorce rate is increasing every year. More and more young couples get married very quickly, they believe in strong feelings and want to be together forever, as the time goes by, their conflicts can’t reconcile, so they have to end their marriage. In my opinion, marriage is not a joke, people need to get to know each other well before they marry. Lightning marriage is not a good choice, because it needs time to get to know others, to see whether the two people are suitable to live together. They should think twice before act.



小学生英语作文 篇2

  The long-awaited Spring Festival comes, we put on new clothes, one family sat around the fire, eat a good have the dinner on New Year's Eve, cuttlefish stew, braised pork stomach side fish, chicken, celery and tofu cook the pig blood cake, fried spinach and so on...... Now I think I have all the water. We have to eat while watching the CCTV Spring Festival Gala, Zhang Weiguo's comic scripts to soldiers and we laughed imperceptibly utterly routed, 20xx bell rang, dense firecrackers resounded through the motherland, brilliant fireworks in the sky like a flower blooming, the vast night with daylight.

  In the morning of the first day of the lunar year, I got up early to greet my grandparents. My grandparents gave me the lucky money that I was ready for, and I was lucky to have the lucky money. I would like to save the lucky money and reuse it when I want to use it. My father took me to my grandmother's house for a pay New Year's call four years ago, I saw a dog, it has a black hair, we call it "black", it has now grown into a big black dog, come see us far away wagging its tail to meet us. I took the "black" to the mountain, with brown leaves to make a fan and a whisk, "black" behind me like a loyal guard, when I left my grandma's house, it has been sent to us on the train, I was really a bit reluctant to leave it. I have a good time in the Spring Festival.

小学生英语作文 篇3






  一, 每天早上跟磁带读单词,读到会读为止;

  二, 每天早上听写十个单词,写到会写为止;

  三, 熟记课文意思,记会为止。

小学生英语作文 篇4


  An invigorating autumn climate, cool breeze. The autumn girl came with gentle steps!


  Autumn girl laugh Yingying stroll in the field, she readily picked a wild chrysanthemum from the edge of the field, placed on the nose edge, immediately, aroma assail the nostrils, autumn girl showed a sweet smile.


  Autumn girl walking in the orchard, she brought a cup of nectar spilled in the orchard, apple, pear baby baby, sweeter, more beautiful when farmers face was delighted, and autumn girl also exposed a happy smile.


  When the girl was walking in the woods, the leaves changed into gold, and they floated down like a golden butterfly in the air. Beautiful! The autumn girl was happy to see all this and played happily in the woods!


  Can also fall girl crying, when she saw the branches bare, when the yellow grass, she will cry, but the drizzle is her drip pitying tears!


  Autumn is golden! Autumn is beautiful! Autumn is my favorite season!

小学生英语作文 篇5

  Another year Christmas arrives, on the other web site has started preparations for Christmas。 Some people, however, think that it is "foreign festival", Chinese people don't need to。 Besides, the festival of the Chinese is too bad, why foreign festivals?

  On this view, I am opposed。 Are now says the world all sorts of ideological cultural blend between very frequently, so foreigners festival Chinese people should not be too? So, foreigners should not eat rice dumplings in the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid—Autumn festival when eat moon cakes? It seems to be incredible。

  This Christmas festival, of course, as long as the against of the backward elements。 To conclude, I wish you all a happy Christmas!




小学生英语作文 篇6

  Time is very fast, the whole summer life has long gone, and now, I have in the classroom, the second day of study and life.

  Memories of the whole summer vacation, the day was very dull, only know that the day hurried past, and rush to come, one-third of the summer vacation, used in the operation, however, the remaining two-thirds , Get rid of one day I went to Changzhou dinosaur park, other days, what am I doing? In the plain boring summer vacation, day by day in the past, I just repeat the sleep, reading, watching TV. Every day, I just stay at home, because I really is nothing to do, except for a week of saxophone class, almost homes.

  Wake up from the morning to enter a state that can be said to be idle, I feel the time past a hurry, I suddenly want to seize the time, so I started the whole half of the whole day to read, however, when The next day the sun once again shot in my bed, I remember yesterday I did, but, when I did not do anything because of yesterday's silence, the time again and again ran by , I have not prepared to catch the time to run, can not catch the time came, because I have been too dull days, I did not set up every day, and then recall the whole July, what I did in the end, However, all things are very vague.

  The first day of August is on schedule, and I am fortunate that in late August I want the Saxophone rating, because it is my only summer vacation, the only meaningful hope, I finally got one more thing every day, Practice blowing saxophone.

  But the day is still hurry to live, I just sit at home every day watching the shadow of the scene from long to short, and from short to long, until the end, completely sunk into the shady, and then the next day the sun Of the rise and fall, so the whole of August is also gone through the vanity of all day.

  Although the summer vacation is very plain, but I had to wipe the whole seventh year of life waved goodbye, and I only in the eighth grade to seize the time to catch up with the time.

小学生英语作文 篇7


小学生英语作文 篇8

  I love my bedroom 我爱我的卧室

  I have a bedroom .It is not big , but it is nice .There is a bed in my bedroom . A yellow dog is on the bed .Every night,I sleep with it . Next to the bed, there is a desk. A bear lamp is on the desk .I like the bear lamp. It's cute. I like to do homework under the lamp every evening. I have a new computer in my bedroom .It is my best friend . Because I study at it, play at it . There are also several beautiful pictures on the wall.

  I like my bedroom. Do you like it?

小学生英语作文 篇9

  Halloween is a western festival.

  It’s on Oct.31st. It’s a happy time for children because at night they put on the masks to attend theparty.

  After the party, they knock at someone’s door and say: “trick or tread”. It means if you don’t give me thecandies,

  I willplaytrick on you! At last kids can get enough candies for one year.










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