
2021-07-15 小学英语作文


小学生英语作文 篇1

  I have many friends, they each is very severe.

  My friend has trees, grass, flowers, fish, dog, cat, frogs, birds, the ants, the earthworm, cricket, bee... Trees can make me cool in the hot summer, the grass can let me every day can see green, flower can let I could smell fragrant breath every day, the little fish can wait me to learn tired to depict, the dog to play with me running, cat can give me scratching, frogs and birds would it be possible for me to evaluate who sings best, ants can tell me when it rains, earthworms can help me to flowers scarification, two cricket can let me see that only worse, can let me eat the fresh honey bees.

  My best friend is PeiYi Yang, he always come when I most lonely and helpless, both of us to help each other, solidarity and affection, what good things to share together.

  Good my good friend!





小学生英语作文 篇2





小学生英语作文 篇3

  It was Apr. 15th, it was sunny and hot . We went our for spring outing . We took a lot of snacks . How excited we were ! At 9:00, we left school for the cinema first . We walked there . It’s a little far from here , so we were all very tired . But when we got to the cinema and started to watch the film , we all forgot how tired we were.

  After that , we went to the park in front of the cinema . We played games happily . Some students flew kites, some read books under the tree , some watched insects and I took pictures for them. I want to be a photographer in the future.

  I love spring outing ! How about you ?

小学生英语作文 篇4

  Do you like biscuits? The cookies are delicious and they taste very good. I like all kinds of cookies, and I like making cookies. Making cookies can eat healthy and delicious cookies, improve my cooking skills, and cultivate my hands-on skills. When I eat my own homemade cookies, I feel satisfied. I will also give my cookies to important people, share my love with them, and let them feel my heart. The cookies brought me joy.

小学生英语作文 篇5


  Tonight, my sister and I set off firecrackers together. We played two kinds of guns: the cannon and the firecracker. I like the cannon, and my sister likes the firecracker. I want my mother to hold a stick to the sky. I put the cannon in the stick and fly to the sky. The firecracker is something that flashes when it is ignited. My sister and I are very happy.

小学生英语作文 篇6

  There is nothing complicated about eating a proper diet. For good health, eat a variety of foods. Do not eat the same foods day after day!

  Foods should be selected everyday from each of “basic four.” They are the four groups of food essential to proper nutrition: the milk group, meat group, vegetable-fruit group, and bread- cereal group, Your body will then be supplied with all the nutrients it requires; they are water, minerals, carbohydrate, fats and oils, proteins, and vitamins.

  A person's diet is determined by his attitudes, likes and dislikes. If you eat foods from each of the basic four groups each day, you will have a balanced diet.




小学生英语作文 篇7

  my family lives in shenzhen.

  there are four people in my family. they are my father, my mother, my sister and i. my father is tall and thin. he is a handsome man. he has big eyes. his hair is straight. he likes to watch tv and movies and read books. my mother works in an office. she cooks very well. she likes to read books, too. she is short and thin. my sister is a student. she is an independent girl. she is very graceful. i am a student, too. but i study in a junior high school. i go to school every weekend. i like to play dodge ball and listen to music very much. much. i like my family because each family member helps me a lot.

小学生英语作文 篇8

  In Switzerland,ever thing is cash-free,but shuld places be cash free?

  Of curse, there are peple wh thin it is perfectl acceptable that places can be cash-free.The ight argue that sciet has changed,and carring cash-free will be ver anning.The ight argue that the gvernent printing cash is a waste f resurces, and if it is cash-free,the gvernent des nt need t print an cash.The ight argue that if it is cash-free,there will nt be an cunterfeit ne in the wrld,and when u are exchanging freign currenc, it is uch easier. In additin,cards can be distinguished between peple's grades.Fr exaple, diand card and glden card ebers f China Merchants Ban can earn air pints and have a free air ride.In the airprt, the a have the V.I.P services.

  On the ther hand ,there are lts f arguents against places cash-free.Althugh nl using cards is ver cnvenient, but if u frget the passwrd,it will be ver anning.The ight thin that if se place is cash-free,then when peple g t vegetable aret and bu a lt f things in different seller,the ust pa b card a lt f ties and waste tie.In the sae wa ,sene ight argue that when a rich peple wants t give se ne t the pr peple,he can't give hi a card because the pr peple desn't nw hw t use the card.If the rich peple nl have ne card and he gives it t the pr peple ,he desn't have an ne t d anthing.And if the rich peple have a lt f cards,then it will be als ver anning.Fr exaple, se restaurants r htels have a advertiseent that sa:If u use China Merchants Bancard n Mnda,u can get five percent ff.If u use China Cnstructin Ban card n Tuesda,u can get seven percent ff.If u use.....If u want t save se ne ,u need at least ne card fr ever ban,s it will be super anning.

  Taing all things int cnsideratin ,I thin we dn't need t be cash-free.Man peple thin cash-free is nt anning,but I thin it is ver anning nl using cards.










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