


  Article 1: it snowed

  The sky was gray, and the cold north wind was shave, and the ground was covered with yellow leaves. The weather was getting cooler and colder, people wrapped up their clothes and shrunk their body inside, quickening the pace of home.

  At this time, the white snow flakes from the sky, the scenery outside the window is really beautiful! The tree turned white, the house turned white, the road became white, the ground became white, everything was white, like the white ocean, and could not see the side. The snow is getting bigger, bigger than the snow goose, the snow on the ground more and more thick. Kids make a snowman, snowball fights in the snow, play very happy!




  Article 2: it snowed

  It snowed. It snowed. It snowed today. I'm very happy. There was a vast expanse of white, and the branches of the big tree were much better than the snow. Students like wearing a jacket, wearing a scarf, some of them have some skiing, snowball fights, snowmen, they play very happy. The road became white, the tree was covered with snow white and white robe, the roof became fat, and the baby's nose turned red.



  Article 3: it snowed

  The snow is even bigger. It's just thrown down... The footprints of the people were quickly covered with snow.

  How good! The white world, as if in the world of fairy tales.

  The snow is still sparse underground, to the earth covered with white snow white, poplar branches and cha cha dressed like beautiful coral, like strange antlers.

  The students were all quickly ran out of the classroom, some have snowball fights, snowmen, and then frozen face is bright red, but the head sweat, laughing, playing.


  雪更大了,简直是团团往下抛了…… 人们走过的脚印很快就被大雪掩盖了。




  Article 4: it snowed

  Morning, I vaguely heard my mother said: "come, snow, I get up from the bed and went to the window to see ah! The flying snowflakes, the ground covered with snow blankets, trees dressed in white, everywhere a white, very beautiful! I already look forward to the snowy day finally came, I can make a snowman, snowball fights and partners, skating, playing top, happily through this beautiful winter.

  It was time for the snow to be covered with thick quilts for the crops to grow in the warm land and a harvest year for the year.

  I like winter, and I prefer snow.





  Article 5: it snowed

  This morning, half of the second lessons, the teacher asked us to stop the pen to the outside. I thought, "what does a teacher ask us to do outside?" "Wow, what a big snow!" The whole class could not help crying out of the classroom as soon as he walked out of the classroom. I saw a vast expanse of snow drifting profusely and disorderly fall down from the sky the students have not seen snow, for several years, everyone happy, some students reached out for the snow, some students simply came to the playground jump, jump ah. We had a pleasant lesson.


  今天早上,第二节课上到一半,支老师叫我们停下笔到外面去。我想:“支老师叫我们到外面干什么去呀?” “哇,好大的雪呀!”全班同学一走出教室都情不自禁地叫了起来。只见大片大片的雪花从空中纷纷扬扬地飘落下来,同学们有好几年没看到下雪了,大家开心得不得了,有的同学伸出手去接雪花,有的同学干脆来到了操场跳啊,蹦呀。我们愉快地渡过了一节课。











下雪了考场命题作文 第一场春雪作文