A happy day

2017-10-28 小学英语作文

中学生作文 H N Z N.

   happy day  

  Today s Sunday, t’s my favour te day.   

   t e ght o’clock, e have m lk and eggs for breakfast.  t n ne o’clock, play p ng-pong and football th my father. n the afternoon, play computer games. o ! The computer s so nterest ng. Then do my home ork. n the even ng, read some books and l sten to mus c. t last go to my l ttle bed and have a sleep.        



中学生作文 H N Z N.

【A happy day】相关文章:

1.A Happy Day

2.My Happy Day

3.my happy day-英语作文100字

4.快乐的一天英语作文-a happy day

5.关于快乐的一天的初中英语作文-a happy day

6.Happy Family


8.Happy Holiday

9.Happy Holiday

I am a happy child My new teachers