You can’t be an Apple Loved b

2017-10-28 高中英语作文

中国作文网(原创整理的 > 高中英语作文   You can’t be an Apple Loved by All People
高三(10)班 王笑犁
  An attractive apple got ripe and loved by many people. It happened to meet an old man on the street one day. “Do you love me?” it asked with the most charming smile.
  “No.” answered the old man.
  “Have you never heard of the saying ‘one apple a day, keep the doctor away from me’?”
  “I don’t care. Because I don’t like your taste at all.”
  The apple got disappointed.
  Yes! As an apple, even the best one in the world, can’t be loved by everybody. Everyone has its own taste and things can change at any second. Sometimes we feel down for not accepted by others. “Perhaps I’m not that perfect yet”, we begin to blame ourselves, getting more and more frustrated. That’s cruel. It’s not your fault not to be appreciated. Many people walk in and out of your life, but very few will leave footprints in your heart. You can’t be 100% perfect, anyway, and you don’t have to be.
  Remember, don’t set your goals by what other people consider important. You can’t be an apple loved by all people. All that you can do is trying to be the best apple and letting others do the judging.

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