At the Dock-码头边

2017-10-28 考研英语作文

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The stony shores ran away right and left in straight lines, enclosing a somber and rectangular pool. Brick walls rose high above the water – soulless walls, staring through hundreds of windows as troubled and dull as the eyes of over-fed brutes. At their base monstrous iron cranes crouched, with chains hanging from their long necks, balancing cruel-looking hooks over the decks of lifeless ships. A noise of wheels rolling over stones, the thump of heavy things falling, the racket of feverish winches, the grinding of strained chains, floated on the air. Between high building the dust of all the continents soared in short flights; and a penetrating smell of perfumes and dirt, of spices and hides, of things costly and of many things filthy, pervaded the space, make for it an atmosphere precious and disgusting. The Narcissus came gently into her berth; the shadows of soulless walls fell upon her, the dust of all the continents leaped upon her sides, took possession of her in the name of the sordid earth. She had ceased to live.
(from The Nigger of the Narcissus by Joseph Conrad)
somber  昏暗的',阴沉的
rectangular  矩形的,长方形的
soulless  没有灵魂的,死气沉沉的
crane  起重机
crouch  蹲伏
thump  重击,砰然作响
racket  喧嚷,吵闹
winch  绞车,起货机
grinding  磨擦
soar  高飞,飘扬
penetrating  有穿透力的
spice  香料
hide  兽皮,皮革
filthy  污秽的,不洁的
pervade  充斥,弥漫
berth  泊位
clamber  攀爬
sordid  肮脏的,恶劣的

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