Love is Growing的歌词和介绍

2018-07-20 歌词






  James Wendt,澳大利亚歌手,独立参与作品大部分与菅野合作完成,除了著名的《蜂蜜与四叶草》电影版,还包括《Darker Than Black》动画系列配乐。

  Love is Growing

  专辑:Honey&Clover Ost


  作词: Tim Jensen

  演唱:James Wendt

  Think i'm bigger than i used to be

  Oh, love is growing up

  There's another world to know out there

  Oh, love is growing up

  I was afraid to say "hello"

  'Cause i was just as scared to say "goodbye"

  Found and lost so many dreams and

  Some i still believe in

  Others i let walk away

  Times i laughed and felt so free

  And times i felt so little

  The sudden highs and misery

  Yes, that is what you gave me

  Life is bigger than it used to be

  Oh, love is growing up

  You know, there's another world to see out there

  Oh, love is growing up

  Because of you i can believe

  We gave each other what we truly need

  I have you and you have him and

  He has her and really,

  That's the way it should be

  Just like clovers in the field

  Mix with the weeds and flowers

  The pain and peace collectively

  Found and lost so many dreams then

  Some we still believe in

  Others we let walk away

  Roads will swallow and divide us

  Just think of each other

  Together, moving separately

  Alone is just a feeling

  Love is growing up

  Love is growing up

  Love is growing up

【Love is Growing的歌词和介绍】相关文章:

1.Love! Love! Aloha!歌词

2.Only Love的歌词

3.I love You,You love me的歌词 love歌词内容 love中文歌词

6.大张伟Lets Love的歌词

7.Living to Love You歌词及歌手简介

8.Love and Learning-恋爱和学习

上一篇:林夕的经典歌词 下一篇:现代歌词的古典优美的意蕴