
2017-12-09 滑冰



  Everyone has sports that they like, some people like to play ball, some people like rope skipping, and I like skating.

  One Saturday morning, I let my father bought me a pair of skating shoes, so I have to learn to skate. I just couldn't stand up when I just put on the skates. Then, I asked my mother to hold me up, but I did not dare to slide forward. I had to let my mother take me step by step and slid cautiously forward. In the process of slipping, my mother said to me: &ldquo, Li Gang, you should not be afraid to be strong. When you learn, you should pay attention to your posture, bend your waist, and your body can not stand too straight. You must pay attention to your feet. ” when I listened to my mother, I began to practice slowly. Of course, in the course of practice, I also fell a lot of times, but as long as a wrestling, I think of my mother's words, &rdquo, “ be strong; I will continue to climb up to practice, so imperceptibly, I learned to skate. Later, I also learned the figure skating, now many figure skating I will, and often get other people's praise!

  If you want to have your own tricks, you must work hard to learn.

  No matter what you do, we will be able to succeed as long as we are willing to learn.


  Today is the beginning of February four, my father took me to the skating. When I got there, I saw it, wow, the ice here is beautiful! The silver white ice flashed in the sun, like crystal, very dazzling. On this beautiful ice, I was immersed in a happy atmosphere, and I didn't know how happy I was. Dad began to teach me the ice skating. My father ran the first two steps, then slide out of the way. I also do like Dad, the first two steps, and then slide, but fell. “ stand up, try again! ” with my father's encouragement, I stood up and tried again. Sure enough, I was successful, and in the process of sliding forward, I felt gratified and proud. I skid again many times. Of course, in these times, there are successes and failures. Success makes me happy, and failure doesn't hurt me. Because failure is the mother of success, there is no failure, how can there be success? The home, my back was unable to part, filled with the joy of skating.


  Ice skating is my favorite sport, and I like the feeling of dancing on the ice. Today, the first time I wear ice skates skating, but not really ice, but still make me very happy.

  I was always wrestling when I was skating, but I couldn't slip but it was fun. Because you can talk to a friend while skating, occasionally slipping like flying. I saw a little friend in white skate slipper fast, good! A little girl has been speaking to me, and many foreign boys are skating. One of them has been wrestling but not crying. It should be fun. Time is up, mother said to go home.

  I think I'll have time to play again next weekend. It's really fun!


  On the day of the holiday, my father said to take me to skating, and I don't feel much happy in my heart.

  Entering the skating rink, I saw a lot of people skating, some flying like swallows, some skating and skating like shuttle fish, some dancing performances like dancing stars, and a 180 degree turn after the fast sliding. I'm also busy changing my skates. To start, I did not stand on can't help slide a few, hand off backwards a few laps, fell on his back. Ah! True pain, early know not come, I touch the bottom of regret.

  Dad saw my heart and laughed and said, "“ strong, don't be afraid, be brave." ” I watched people skate at the fence, I found that their feet are open to “ eight ” font on the bold, I slip up. Fall up and climb up, then fall up and climb up … …

  Time arrived, I became a gray man, although my clothes were dirty, but I was happy, because I learned a new skill.


  Today is Sunday, my father took me to the skating field to see other children skating. When I saw other kids dancing on the scene, I admired it. I went to my dad and said to my father, &ldquo, Dad, I'll skate, too. ” dad said: “ that's all right. Just let you play. ”

  I bought a ticket and chose a pair of blue skates. I was hit by a little friend without starting to slip and hit me with a dizzy head. I quickly stood up, but how to slide down, I urgently sweating, busy for a while, I still won't slip. Suddenly, the bell that stopped my skating sounded, I left the skating ground sullen, dad laughed and said to me: “ don't lose heart, I can teach you! ” dad bought another ticket and put on the original skates. Dad said, “ to keep the balance, I did it, and I did it. I jumped with joy. A little friend came to me and was about to bump into me, and I swerve 90 degrees and skilfully avoided him.

  The provisions of the time I arrived, my father and I walked out of the rink and unable to part, this day, I really enjoyed myself, because I learned to skate.











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