
2017-08-13 六年级作文



  In recent years, the National Bureau of statistics with the relevant departments to carry out the research work of science and technology progress in quantitative measurement, introduced a set of calculation methods, namely the growth rate equation and Cobb Douglas production function combination method, the specific formula is: EA=Y- alpha K- beta LY * 100%% in EA for scientific and technological progress on economic contribution to the growth of Y is K the average growth rate of output is the average growth rate of the capital, the average growth rate for L alpha labor for the output elasticity of capital and other conditions remain unchanged, the capital increase of 1%, alpha beta for increased output% of the output elasticity of labor, that other conditions remain unchanged, labor an increase of 1%, increase in output, K beta%Y and L can be calculated by the National Bureau of statistics data and search (this press a year a year of data reduction and data, in addition to the data for more than a year to the capitalMainly refers to the fixed capital, labor mainly refers to employeesAlpha and beta can be calculated by the rate of change of Y divided by their respective rates of change.

  From 20xxto 20xx, the growth rate of the labor force generally declined, and the elasticity of labor output declined, while the capital showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing.In 2009, for example, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress is negative. At this point, the main contribution should be capital, and the growth rate of capital is as high as 21.8 this year.

  China lost the advantage of demographic dividend, make a major contribution to the economy is capital, followed by the technological progress and scientific and technological progress on economic growth contributions is stable, but because of the scarcity of energy resources and the deterioration of the environment, economy and environment with both hands of the consciousness is more and more strong, so in the future of economic growth plays a key role in the technological progress.


  Through the above analysis of the two, and combined with the actual situation of our country, we come to the following understanding.First of all, with the all-round well-off society, economic globalization, network modernization, competition between countries are increasingly inclined to the competition of science and technology, relying on the advantages of software technology to seize the Silicon Valley model about "4 German strategic industrial intelligent factory" and "the United States, the 4 industry challenges in the development of the advanced mode of production", confirm the importance of the progress of science and technology.

  China also faces enormous challenges in the manufacturing sector, the provinces in Northeast China as an example, as an old industrial base, the traditional manufacturing industry has lost support, to Chinese economic low-spirited, facing a transition pressure, this process needs to complete the transformation of scientific and technological progress.After the completion of the transition, I personally believe that technological progress will only be more important, only technological progress, improve factor utilization, can effectively stimulate economic growth.Secondly, to forward the list of developed countries, should pay attention to the adjustment of industrial structure, reasonable arrangements for the industry accounted for, should pay attention to the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure, vigorously develop the third industry as a service industry, there will be more intelligent robot to enter the industry, reduce the production cost at the same time, we will engage in more human intelligence work so, to improve productivity, which requires more relying on Intelligent Internet, software development, realization of rapid economic development and steady progress in science and technology to the commanding heights.Finally, scientific and technological innovation can improve factor utilization, guide the rational flow of production factors among different departments, and foster the development of new industries. It is also the source of economic growth and transformation of industrial structure.Therefore, to create a good soft environment is to attract scientific research personnel and high-end enterprises, and it is an important way to achieve great leap forward development.

  Scientific research institutions and colleges and universities are the cradle of high-level and innovative talents needed for the construction of the national soft power and scientific and technological innovation bases.China should take measures from the aspects of the introduction of high-tech enterprises, collection of scientific and technological talents, set up scientific and technological innovation alliance together, similar to industrial capital, industrial capital and human resources of science and technology closely together, enrich and perfect the carrier function, enhance their agglomeration.












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