
2022-01-20 其他类英语作文


过年英语作文 篇1

  Today is the first day of the New Year. It is a traditional Chinese festival.

  During the Spring Festival, every family should paste Spring Festival couplets and eat dumplings. Of course, my family is no exception the day before the Spring Festival, we have posted the Spring Festival couplets, father glue the glue on the wall, the Spring Festival couplets paste up, so that is good. In the morning, we got up at 5 o 'clock, made the dumplings, and began to eat. After eating the dumplings, I started to shoot the gun. My father was holding the lighter, and the gun was on the top of the gun. The gun was very heavy, and I was going to deafen my ears. Put out gun, we'll go out to visit relatives, after a while, we came to, into the house, we made four bow first and then again to the uncles and aunts made three bow, uncle aunt hurriedly send New Year's money, I thanked them, went to a friend's house, or just like last time, and then to xi 'an a destination, it is needless to say, keep pace with times as last time.

  In the evening, this is the most wonderful evening, every family is eating the fresh dumplings, with beautiful fireworks, the sky is more colorful. It is beyond words to express beauty.

  I wish this day would never pass.

过年英语作文 篇2

  As soon as I mentioned the Chinese new year, I thought of setting off firecrackers, watching the spring festival gala and eating rice. My favorite thing is to set off firecrackers.

  After dinner we watched the spring festival gala, grandpa said, " let 's set off firecrackers until 12 o 'clock. " when the new year 's bell rings, we run into the yard and set off firecrackers. Grandpa lit incense first, put a hang 3000 head whip lit after hurriedly ran in the distance, such as grandpa just stand firm, whip " pa pa pa" straight ring, red pieces of broken skin collapse, sprinkle all over the floor. I chose a beautiful flower to grandpa, grandpa put the flowers on the ground, lit the flowers, grandpa didn 't run away, the flowers are put up, like a Christmas tree, blooming red, green, white, purple flowers, very beautiful. Sounds sometimes like birds in the call, sometimes " crash" sound, very nice.

  My favorite " little tank" is both beautiful and fun. Have the shape of the tank, a little bit of it, it is " sou", ran out of a meter away, after a steady, like a tank gun, let out an orange flower.

  This is my favorite thing to do for the Chinese new year - set off firecrackers.

过年英语作文 篇3

  This year, I was born in Dongying to stay at my grandmother's home for the new year. The two cities are far away, so the custom is different.

  Early in the morning, my mother gave me new clothes. At noon mom and grandma made dumplings. I put firecrackers and played games downstairs and my children. I had fun playing it. I went back to my grandma's home for dumplings. Grandma said, "there are two dumplings with coins. I eat and eat, but I haven't eaten a single coin. My mother has eaten two yuan. My mother is really lucky.

  At night we sat in front of the TV watching the gala, until 12:00 in the night, everyone staying-up late on new year's eve. But I fell asleep.

  I didn't see the beautiful fireworks, but I was happy!

过年英语作文 篇4

  During my school year, I finally looked forward to the winter vacation. During the winter vacation, I finally looked forward to the New Year. This time, it is definitely an extraordinary New Year.

  The age of thirty is the end of one year and the beginning of the year. This big year 30 has a very obvious defect -- the number of firecrackers is increased sharply, which makes many cities have reached the air pollution, so my family did not set off firecrackers.

  My New Year is very different from my father's. Father's New Year is very meaningful to my father, because there is no new clothes to wear and nothing to eat. And the New Year is what you want. My New Year's day as usual, almost New Year's day to wear new clothes, also can wear new clothes at ordinary times, this is because now the material life isn't as boring as before, I think I know enough, on New Year's day only know that playing a game. When my father was a child, I only cared about having new clothes and having good food, which is the difference and difference between my father and me.

  The meaning of the New Year is all kinds of, now the new material life everyone must cherish!

过年英语作文 篇5

  This noon, my mother and I went home for the new year.

  My home in Dinghai golden pond, on the way home on the road to Zhoushan cross sea bridge, when I see the cross sea bridge, the bridge is very beautiful and spectacular. When the bus went to the bridge, I felt the car was more stable, more stable than the land, and more comfortable to sit. In a short time, the passengers in the car said loudly: the beautiful cross sea bridge! Then I stood up and looked out of the window to look down, see the bridge on both sides around the railing with blue and white and wide road, the eyes look down, I saw the sea, a small boat on the sea, the sea there are many mountains, the scenery is really beautiful. When my eyes toward the front of the car to see, see the bridge on both sides of two tall pillar inclined upright, there are numerous cables pulling bridge. I asked my mother: "this is a big iron and steel cable pulling a bridge to help us through the bridge?" Mother was happy in his head. After a while, the bus drove to my door, and I was still thinking about the beauty of the bridge. The bridge is open, and the way home is short.

  We can go home anytime and no longer have to wait in the waiting room.

过年英语作文 篇6

  The Spring Festival is coming, and the atmosphere of the New Year is everywhere!

  People wore a glamorous new clothes and everyone looks fresh, ear from shock ear guns from time to time, on the way, all the people in high spirits to their relatives, colleagues, friends, happy New Year, each with a sweet smile on her face.

  At the door of every house is a Spring Festival couplet, the home hung a red red lantern.

  Everyone bought firecrackers: the big thunder, the monkey, the fireworks, the fall, the cracker, the dazzling array. On the night of Spring Festival, all flowers bloom in the sky. Morning glory blowing purple small horn, gorgeous roses zhankai smiling faces, water lily woke up from my dream and noon flowers blossom, chrysanthemum in the air nodded, tobacco flowers wake in the dusk, the moon flower spread their petals, cordate telosma bursting beautiful flowers!

  This New Year brings me happiness, lightness and happiness, and I will be in the New Year!

过年英语作文 篇7

  The fifth day of the new year day, Dad, and I have his unit to a peasant uncle aunt uncle home.

  We drove through the the Yellow River bridge, saw the broad the Yellow River, and a field of farmland. I screamed, "the prairie is here." All the people in the car I was amused, dad said: "silly boy, that is a large wheat field." It was a few hours and finally arrived. We go to town to buy many guns, there's fire, flying, bullwhip gun and so on, we put the gun on the table, just waiting for the dark place.

  After dinner, we started shooting, the earthquake flustered, sparks everywhere, very beautiful, we all cheered. I don't want to go home.

过年英语作文 篇8

  When it comes to the Spring Festival, children must think of lucky money. Yes, relatives, 10 yuan, 20 yuan, 50 yuan all into the pocket. And the heart is as sweet as honey. At the same time, I was thinking about how to spend money... The smiling face is like a flower.

  Chinese New Year street can be festive, everywhere is play, drink, eat, do not want to spend money, but mouth, hand, heart is itchy.

  Today, I made an appointment with some friends to play in heyang square, but I found none of them. Just a couple of big sisters from here, I heard them say that this year's play in the century square! Ah, so far, we look to the left to see the unity of opinion to choose to understand the difficulty, we ask to play heart, without a word, running to century square. Wow, a lot of fun! We are all too busy to come here, we can't hold anything in our hands. From time to time the eye must look at this glance. This is we boarded the pirate ship, I chose a side position, think this will be very exciting. The ship began to shake, gradually higher and higher, shaking my head, and then I could not go any further!

  But even then, we can't resist our enthusiasm. Regardless of the end of the scolding, we swept century square from south to north and played all the games. ). Until I spend all my Money in my pocket. What a wonderful day! There was a smile on every face.

  It's time to go home. We promise to play next time.












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