
2018-05-18 三年级作文

  There is a tree’s stake in the picture. Look at the simple stake, it means nothing for you, but it is the important game place for two dogs. One named Luke, the other named Tina, they grow up together, they are good friends, they have a lot of good memories near this stake. Today Tina is sitting on the stake waiting for Luke as usual, but Luke is late, when he comes he is not happy.

  After a while, Tina knows the reason, he will be adopted by a new family, they will have no time to play together, she is sad. Quite a moment, no one speaks. A soft claw touches her face, ‘Don’t cry, I will remember you for ever, we are good friends.’ They use eyes to give each other their promises.


1.On Making Friends-论交友

2.How to Make Friends-如何交友



5.三年级 作文




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